Taehyung's world was suddenly ripped apart as his lover fell to the ground. Vaguely, he was aware of a scream echoing and realized it was his own. His eyes locked on Joo-Won, the gun bucked three times in his hand as the shots were fired off, each one reaching their goal, the last leaving a neat hole right between Joo-Won's eyes.
He lowered the gun and then turned to his partner. Jungkook was lying on the floor clutching his abdomen, blood slowly seeping through the back of his shirt. Taehyung crouched beside him, panic evident in his voice.
"Jungkook? Kookie? Bunny? Can you hear me? Hang on, the medics are on their way."
Jungkook opened his eyes; through a red haze of pain he could see his partner and hear his panic stricken voice.
"Hurts, Bear, it hurts," he managed to gurgle out.
Yoongi appeared at Taehyung's side after having checked on the status of the terrorist.
"Where is he hit?" he asked, his tone calm yet clear concern was thick in his voice.
"In the back," Taehyung replied absently, as he reached out a tentative hand to stroke Jungkook's pale face.
Yoongi took charge of the situation. He pulled his cell phone from his pocket and quickly dialed; seconds later, his call was connected.
"Dr Park here."
"Jimin, it's Yoongi. We.. have a situation."
Immediately Jimin's voice changed from cheery to serious and professional.
Yoongi took a deep breath,"Agent Jeon has been injured. Bullet wound to the back."
A gasp was heard followed by a moment of silence. Yoongi knew the young doctor was trying to steady himself. He heard a shuddering breath as Jimin regained control, "Entry and exit wounds?"
Yoongi paused and checked Kook as best he could.
"Entry wound confirmed, no exit wound visible."
"Patient status?"
"Conscious and lucid. Awaiting medics attendance, once stable will transport."
"Bring him directly to the hospital. I will have all the necessary equipment on stand-by."
"Roger that."
"Yoongi hyung?" Jimin's tone had softened to one of worry.
"How is... how is Tae?"
Yoongi took a look at Taehyung, noting the fear and concern etched into the young face as he cradled his lover in his arms.
"He's okay, but in shock."
"Okay. What is your ETA?"
Yoongi did a quick mental check. "Half an hour I would say, give or take a few minutes."
"Roger. We are awaiting your arrival. Park out."
Yoongi closed the cellphone up and put it back in his pocket just as the medics arrived.
"Tae? Move aside so the medics can work." Yoongi said gently as he placed his hand on the younger's shoulder.
Taehyung had Jungkook laying half in his lap, holding him close, a stunned, far away look on his face.
"Yes, Tae. Let the medics take care of Jungkook. We need to let them fix him up enough so we can transport him to the hospital."

FanfictionJungkook holds a secret deep within him, a secret not even he was aware of.... until it reveals itself in the form of a child.