▪️▪️▪️CH. 18▪️▪️▪️

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Jimin had attended him each week as promised and done his usual check up of himself and the growing baby. He'd only put on a few pounds in weight and while he wasn't really starting to show he had started to get a little bit of a belly. He was completely recovered from his bullet wounds and now fit for work once more.

Taehyung's suspension had finished and had returned to work just over a week ago; albeit reluctantly. Jungkook chuckled at the memory. Taehyung had called him as soon as he arrived at headquarters. Twice at lunch time and three times in the afternoon.

Once Taehyung had been back at work for a couple of days so the phone calls slowed a little. Having pronounced him fit for work again, Sejin had sent home with Taehyung four case files for Jungkook to work on.

One involved an upcoming 'sting' operation while the other three were mainly researching backgrounds of suspected criminals. It felt good to get back into the swing of things. Knowing he was working on case files, Tae hadn't been able to disturb him as much as he probably would have done had Kookie been doing nothing but wasting his time.

That evening, cuddled into bed, Tae couldn't help but continuously stoke his fingers against his lover's belly as he held him close.

"Bear, what should we name it?" Kookie said softly.

"I don't know, but I want our child to have a name that's special, something of its own that reflects the love and special circumstances in which it was conceived," Taehyung replied in a husky tone.

"That sounds nice." Jungkook responded as the now familiar swell of emotion welled in his heart and eyes.

Gently Tae brushed the tears from his lover's cheeks and kissed him again. "I love you, little mother," he teased.

"Why do you call me 'little mother' Bear, I'm a man hyungie." Kookie giggled.

"Why not?" Taehyung continued to tease his lover. "You are the child's mother are you not?"

Kookie chuckled again, and sighed happily, "Yeah, I am."


Jimin ran the sound head across Jungkook's abdomen, searching for the small fetus. Taehyung and Jungkook both gazed intently at the screen.

"Ahhh... here's what we're looking for."

Jimin pressed the sound head a bit harder and moved it a little to the left.

"Here," he pointed to the screen. "If you look carefully you can make out the outline of the baby's head."

Taehyung smiled, and Jungkook's eyes went glassy as he stared intently at his child's picture.

"And here is the spine," Jimin traced the line again. "The vital organs should all be developed by now and the baby's facial features are becoming more defined," Jimin kept up his little monologue as the two watched the screen with interest. "The arms and legs are pretty much complete and if you look really carefully you can see them curled up."

Jungkook wiped his teary eyes. "Sorry," he mumbled. "Can't seem to stop sometimes."

Jimin smiled as he took the fetus measurements and then turned the machine off. He wiped the excess gel from Kookie's abdomen and pulled his sweat pants back up to his waist.

"There you go, all done for another week. Now, there are a few things I need to discuss with you."

Jungkook smiled as he levered himself into a sitting position on the small examination bed, Taehyung assisting him.

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