
1.6K 53 12

It's been a few hours since 10k and I were alone. Just a couple of Zs here and there but it wasn't dangerous to the point where we had to leave. We just sat in the car and played Would You Rather for the last ten minutes.

"Ok," I started. "Would you rather rub Murphy's feet for an hour or stay inside a room alone with Vasquez for ten minutes?"

"I'd rather rub Murphy's feet," 10k answered.

I gave him a teasing grin with a brow raised. "Are you really that scared of Vasquez that you'll rub Murphy's feet?"

"Murphy isn't trying to kill me." 10k thought for a moment. "Would you rather show Sketchy and Skeezy your chest or run around naked while covered in peanut butter?"

My face scrunched up in disgust. "I'd rather be cover in peanut butter than let those two douchebags see my boobs." I smirked at him. "And I'll run as long as you put the peanut butter on me."

Good thing 10k isn't drinking anything otherwise he would be choking right now. His eyes widened as his cheeks flushed a bit.


I chuckled before pinching his cheeks. "Aw, you're so cute when you blush like that."

"I bet I could make you blush," 10k challenged.

I scoffed, "Ok, try me...Mmph!"

10k grabbed the back of my head and crashed our lips together. My breathing hitched a bit as he leaned further into the kiss and gently laid me down on the seat. I nearly gasped when he slipped his tongue in my mouth. My hands reached up and gripped his collar. Our small makeout sadly ended by lack of air. When 10k pulled away, he had a small satisfying smirk on his face when he realized I was blushing.

"Told you."

I pushed him off. "Oh, please, who wouldn't blush after that?"

"Who wouldn't blush if a hot girl offered her boyfriend a chance to rub peanut butter on her?"

"B - Boyfriend?" I stuttered. I mean, I know we kissed and everything but we never really talked about it.

"Yeah." His brows scrunched together. "Am I not?"

"NO!" I declined quickly. Then I realized how bad that sounded. "I mean, yes." 10k raised his brow. "I mean -" I leaned forward and kissed him again. 10k laughed once I pulled away. "I mean, of course, I'll be your girlfriend. It's just...with the whole apocalypse going on I didn't think things like relationships could happen. That people would just have a one-night stand and move on. Because it's going to be hard to give mercy to the one you care about." Like how Addy did with Mack. And how he did to Cassandra.

"Well, don't think that far," he said. "Living in the Z infested world has taught me to survive today and live in a better tomorrow. All though, it would be better if we didn't have Murphy to deal with."

"I agree but we need to get him to California." I sighed. "I'm just saying, we could cut his head and give it to them like that. Did they say they need him alive?"


I let out an exaggerated breath. "Nevermind, I guess." There was a small growl coming from beside us. I looked to see a few Zs making their way over to us. "And just when we were having a moment."

I quickly got out of the car before running over with my rifle. I used the knife end to stab the first one in the middle of the forehead before yanking it out and kicking the other one down. A loud crunching sound is heard once I stomped my boot into the Z's skull. There was some rustling in the trees. Once I lift my foot off, I turned to see even more Zs coming out. 10k pulled out his slingshot with some metal gears and started to fire. A few got closer to me, so I took my knife end of the rifle and stabbed all of them.

My eyes widened when I've seen more coming out. A huge group of Zs were making their way towards 10k and me. Oh, shit. This can't be good. There's a bunch of them and we don't have that much ammo left. And we really can't hop on the top of the car where the Zs could easily reach us.

I spun around and sliced the next Zs neck before using the butt of the gun to knock the next one away from me. A much bigger Z ran towards me. I used the rifle as a shield when the Z was in arms reach and tried to bite me. Its weight was just enough to knock me down.

"10k!" I called out. "10k!"

The Zs heard jerked backward when a metal gear punctured a whole in it's head. The Z was being pushed off me before I felt myself being yanked away.

"Go, go, go!" 10k shouted as he pushed me slightly. I swung the knife again at more Zs. "Up the tree, they won't be able to reach."

10k pointed at the huge tree not that far from us and that's where I ran toward. I started climbing the tree before pulling myself toward the huge branch that supports 10k and me. Once I got up, I reached down and grabbed 10k's hand before yanking him up. We looked down to see the hoard of Zs growling. Their hands were raised as they tried to reach up to us.

"Looks like we're stuck here for a while."

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