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Our car's battery died a few miles back, so we had to walk. I used to walk beside Addy, but Vasquez decided to wedge himself between us. I rolled my eyes at him when he tried to talk to me. Which ended up with me walking beside 10k. We didn't talk, but I could tell he wanted to talk to me about it. He didn't, which made me glad.

"We are going the wrong direction. Again," Murphy complained.

"You left us no choice," Warren said. "Too much fallout in the West."

"Again. That was not my fault." Yes, it's not your fault that people were shooting at each other because they wanted to capture you. There must be another pompous jackass name Murphy somewhere.

"Murphy, don't make me have to explain the term failsafe doomsday weapon again. Please," Doc said. Wait, doomsday weapon? What's happened before I met them?

But he kept going. "How do you even know California's still there?"

"You're looking ripe," Vasquez commented. "You better hope it's still there." Then he pushed him. "Move." If I didn't hate his guts, I would have laughed.

Murphy glared at him. "You are not the boss of me." He motioned towards Warren. "She is."

Vasquez looked like he wanted to punch him, but Warren held him back. "I can handle this." Then she pushed Murphy. "Move."


Warren looked at Vasquez and me. "You'll get used to him."

I shook my head. "I don't think so. I'm barley getting use to zombie stripper over here," I said as I motioned towards Cassandra, who hissed at me in return.

We kept walking until Warren told us to stop when there was smoke right down the hill. 10k gave her his scope and they started talking. Vasquez came over to me and looked around the perimeter.

"So are you just going to pretend I don't exist," He started.

I looked around as I held my rifle in my hand. "Yup."

"Don't you think you're being a bit childish?" I mimicked him under my breath. Don't you think you're being a bit childish? I deserve the right to act like it after he left me for dead. "Look, I don't know how many times I have to say I'm sorry -"

"Oh, you can say you're sorry all you want. Doesn't mean crap to me."

"Your father told me to protect you -"

I wanted to punch him so bad with the knife end of my rifle. "Don't you bring my father into this."

"Ry -"

I had it. "It's One Shot!"

Addy, thank the lord, walked over to us. "Hey! Do we have a problem over here?"

I kept glaring up at Vasquez as I spoke. "Not at all."

Then I walked away. I wanted to be alone, but that didn't stop her. "If you don't mind me asking -"

"Which I do."

"What happened between you and G.I. Joe?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Don't worry about it. He's dead to me, that's all."

I walked towards Warren and furrowed my eyebrows when I saw some weird looking trucking driving down the road. I used my scope to see the car better. There were a few people with another car being towed between it.

"Is that some kind of post apocalyptic wagon train?" Doc asked.

"Or some kind of transformer?" I added. I expect it to be a post apocalyptic version of Optimus Prime.

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