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You would think Vasquez would take the cuffs off me, but no he didn't. We were chasing Murphy, with Warren and the rest of them behind us, and let me tell you it's hard to keep up with him. I've done my best to ignore him in the car. I rolled my eyes whenever he would speak or I would glare at him. He thinks he could just abandon me and think everything will be fine and dandy when I see him. I lost my family because of him. I don't even care if he is part of my family, he isn't anymore. I just need to get out of these cuffs. Maybe I should shoot my hand off, my pistol is already out. Just one shot and I'm free.

"Murphy!" I heard Warren yell behind us.

Suddenly, Cassandra split from him. I don't know why if the main target is Murphy. We followed him around the corner only to stop when a van drove in front. I tensed up as I see a group of Zeros looking at him. I didn't even need to look to know Vasquez froze for a moment. He quickly raised his gun up and shot the passenger of the van. Then he shot the driver. The van crashed into a car and the door opened.

"Cover me, Mija!" Vasquez yelled.

I felt my blood boil at the other nickname, but I raised my pistol anyway.

"Don't call me that," I sneered. I pointed my gun at the Zero coming out of the car and shot him. The bullet hit his chest and he fell to the ground. Another Zero came out and Vasquez shot his leg before he pulled me with him. "Can you slow down? I'm not a Sasquatch like you, you know."

He ignored me. I could see the pure hatred in his eyes before he shot two more bullets in the Zero. He glanced back at the group before we started running again.


Vasquez and I had to make a few detours when a bunch of cars pulled up and started shooting at us.  It's like a damn Murphy free-for-all. And if we're not shooting those bounty hunters than we're shooting Zs. I saw Murphy's mobster suit from a mile away. Vasquez decided to cut him through the quaint neighborhood while the hunters shoot the other hunters.

We ran behind the blue house and caught up with Murphy. Vasquez quickly switched his gun and grabbed his taser, but Murphy spun around and ran. We followed him, while avoiding to get bit by a dog, and jumped over the fence. My legs started to burn from all the running and my stomach was cramping. I wanted to sing when he stopped. I could finally rest for a minute. My chest was pounding fast as the metallic taste filled my mouth. This is what happens when you have to keep up with Sasquatch.

Vasquez raised his gun and slowly spun around. We heard a bang from a shed and slowly walked towards it. It sprung open and a few Zs ran towards us. I quickly got my pistol out and shot one in the head while Vasquez shot one in the chest a few times. He started dragging me around the building and ran towards the front yard, only to be greeted by a few more Zs who were following Murphy.

They growled at us and charged. Shit. I saw a fence and yanked on the cuffs before I ran towards it. We hopped over it and ducked down. I switched my pistol for my rifle and sprung up to stab the Z in the middle of his forehead. Vasquez got up after to whack the other with his crowbar. I need to get back to Warren and the others. Think, One Shot. Think.

I shot the next Z. "Look, you either take these cuffs off. Or you're going to have to stop and let me take a breather. And if that doesn't convince you, maybe this would...I'm not your little rag doll."

Vasquez sighed, knowing I'm right, before he took the key from his pocket. He quickly took my cuffs off. The moment it was off, I used the end of my rifle and swung it across his face. He fell to the ground, but I didn't care before I ran the other way.

"Ry!" I heard him yell. I ignored him and pumped my legs faster. "Ry!"

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