
3.5K 117 8

I didn't know what to say to 10k as we buried Cassandra. He just had this pained look in his eyes as we dug her grave. He hasn't looked at me since he shot her. Which got me to think about a lot of things. Like our kiss. Did he really mean it? Was it just a spur of the moment? Does he not feel anything? Or was he just happy that I'm ok like he said he was?

"Well, we didn't find Murphy," Addy said disappointedly.

"But we found these two," Doc finished as Warren and Vasquez came from behind them. My eyes widen when I found both with a bullet hole.

"And not a minute too soon. We didn't have much fight left," Warren said.

I dropped my shovel and went over to Vasquez. "Oh, my god. What happened?"

"Zeros," Warren said. My mouth flew open before I looked at Vasquez, who was glaring at Warren.

"Is that where you've been sneaking off to?"

Vasquez shot Warren another look. "Not now, Ry." He tilted my head as he noticed the blood coming down from the wound. "What happened?"

"Not now, Vasquez," I retorted. Using his own words as I mock him. He sighed in annoyance. Hey, we finally got to a good place. Not my fault that he screwed it up by lying.

"What's that?" I heard Doc ask. I looked away from Vasquez as Doc and Addy spotted the small grave 10k and I made.

"Cassandra," 10k replied emotionlessly.

Addy knelt down next to the grave. "Oh, my god," she whispered. "What happened?"

"I did what I had to do." This time 10k actually looked at me before his eyes went back to the grave.

"You mercied her?" Warren asked.

"She didn't give him a choice," I defended him.

"Saw that one coming," Vasquez commented. I glared at him. Now is not the time for one of his stupid comments.

"She was our friend," Addy said.

10k shook his head. "No. No, she wasn't. Cassandra was our friend. That wasn't Cassandra."

Doc looked at him with pure sympathy. "It's ok, kid. We understand."

"Don't try to make me feel better about it. I don't want to feel better about it. There's nothing to feel better about. Nothing. That's what I want to feel."

Ouch. That actually hurts a little. To hear him say that. I kept my gaze on the ground as I grabbed my arm. I actually don't know what to say. I felt my heart shatter a bit hearing him say that. 10k killed one of his closest friends to protect someone he doesn't know that well. And he hasn't spoken to me since that moment happened. I'm starting to think that he does regret everything.

"What's going on here?" we heard Murphy. Oh, great. The one time this shithead decides to show up. "Where's Cassandra?"

10k and I exchanged glances before he looked away. Warren decided to be the bearer of bad news and told Murphy, "She's dead. I'm sorry."

"Dead?" Murphy repeated. "How?"

I clenched my fist as I looked at the blue man. "How?" I sneered. "I'll tell you how. You're little zombie bitch was following your orders. She attacked us. She tried to kill me. 10k had to make a tough decision and mercied her. He mercied her to protect me."

Murphy looked at 10k. "You," I could hear that little venom in his voice. "I gave her life. And you had no right to take that away."

"She wasn't human," 10k argued. "That wasn't human. Not since you bit her."

Murphy shook his head. "3,255." His glare went from me and 10k. "All to protect your little girlfriend."

Murphy grunted through his nose and tried to hit us except Warren was fast enough to block him. She shook her head.

"Not right now," she whispered. Murphy grunted again as he tried to get to 10k and me. Warren held him back. "Not now." And that's when I finally noticed that lack of baby. "Where's the baby? Where's Lucy?"

"You don't have to worry about the baby anymore."

Murphy glared at all of us before he started walking away. What the hell did he do to Lucy?


A/N: You breaketh my heart 10k. You breaketh my heart ignoring One Shot like that.

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