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I hate these damn bounty hunters! Always shooting at everything and nothing. If not them, then these stupid Zs. I brought my pistol out and shot one in the middle of his forehead before following Doc and 10k. Doc dove behind one of the trucks while 10k and I did the other. He pointed at the two of us before motioning towards the red car a few feet away. He counted to three and we started running. We barley got there when we had to duck because another hillbilly shot at us.

I groaned as I shot the hillbilly in the chest. "Five minutes, that's all I ask for," I panted.

"What?!" 10k yelled.

I shushed him while placing my hand over his mouth. Doc got up from his hiding spot and ran towards the blue car that was near us. He looked towards us and motioned to the building in front. 10k gave him a confused look. Doc got up and ran over here. He started to pant as he gestured towards the building again.

10k peaked over and looked at us. "Murphy?!"

I covered his mouth again. I looked at Doc. "You really think Murphy's in there?" I whispered.

He nodded. "Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Ready?" I nodded while I moved 10k's head so he could agree. "Go."

I grabbed 10k by the back of his collar and pulled him up. We ran towards another car. I heard some laughter, followed by more gun shots. I looked back to see a lot of Zs running inside the building.

I slapped Doc on this shoulder. "You see that?"

He nodded. "Yeah, it's like one big game of follow the leader." He pointed at the building. "He's definitely in the building."

"This one?!" 10k yelled

I banged my head against the car door. Can he yell any louder? I'm pretty sure they didn't hear him in Uruguay.

I ran my hand through my hair before I got up and ran towards the broken car. Doc and 10k followed me a little after. I held both my pistols up, checking every angle.

"The Zs must've followed him inside. But I think I know a back entrance," Doc said.

I gave him a worried look. "Is it safer?"

"Maybe." We looked towards 10k, who looked just as confused as before. "Can you hear anything I'm saying?"

"What?!" He shouted.

"Jesus!" Doc said as we covered our heads when a bullet broke through the car window. I looked up to see one of the shooters a few cars behind us. I pointed one of my guns at him and fired. "This is ridiculous! What the hell are we doing here?"

I cocked my gun as I fired again. "Apparently, saving Murphy's ass."

"That's a rhetorical question, One Shot." He sighed. "You guys ready? I'll cover. You two run." We nodded. "One. Two. Three. Go." 10k and I barley got up, but someone shot near our heads. "Damn."

I panted as I looked towards the building. "We're trapped."

10k grabbed one of the broken metal plates and held it up. Another shot was fired. "Sniper," He said.

I cocked my gun. "I hate snipers."

10k's breath got heavier as he leaned over. He looked at the reflection of another broken plate. "Second floor. Seventh window from the right."

"You think you can take him out?" Doc asked. He got up, but jumped back when a Z popped out from inside the car.

It kept growling at us as Doc ran towards one end of the building. I switched my guns and used the knife end of my rifle to stab the Z before 10k pulled me with him. We covered our heads as another shot was fired, but we made it over towards the car. He let's go of my hand and used his sniper to shoot the guy. I quickly looked back to see the figure disappearing in the room.

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