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"One Shot," I heard. "Hey, One Shot." I didn't move.

"She's probably dead," Another voice said.

"She's not dead," A different voice snapped. I groaned as I turned to my side, my bruises making me wince. "Hey, she's waking up."

I slowly flutter my eyes open. Everything was still a bit fuzzy, but I could only make out four figures. I slowly got up, my eyes squinting from the light.

"Warren?" I breathed.

"Yeah, it's me, 10k, Murphy, and Cassandra," she replied. I groaned as I laid back on my back. "Hey, hey, hey, take it easy. You're hurt pretty badly."

I shook my head. "It's not that." My vision got more clear, but I felt my eye swollen. "You said Murphy's here."

Murphy made a face. "I have you know, I'm a delight."

"Keep telling yourself that."

Warren pulled her gun out. "Ok, we're getting you out of here."

I held my hand up to stop her. "Wait, no. Everyone will hear you." Then they'll rush over to see what all that noise is about. If they see the group here, then we're dead. Zombie. Then dead again. "Where's everyone else?"

"Distracting," 10k said. Our heads snapped when we heard someone coming. "Warren, we need to hide."

She sighed before putting her gun back. "Hang in there, kid. We'll come up with something."

She motioned for the guys to follow her. 10k stood back and walked towards the cell I was in. He pulled something out of his pocket before sliding it towards me. I turned to my side again when I felt the cold metal hit my skin. I looked down to see my pistol. Oh, my god. How did he get it?

"Thank you," I breathed.

10k nodded as he gave me a small salute. "Stay safe. We're getting you out, Ry."

Then he got up and quickly followed Warren. The door opened as I hid my pistol in my shorts. Joseph strolled in with a little smirk on his face before opening the cage.

"How is my little Cock Sucker?" He asked. I glared up at him. I could have blasted his brain out, but people will rush in here. "Good news, I'm giving you another chance." He walked over and opened up the cage. He grabbed my arm and pulled me up. "You have another challenge."

I tried to pull myself away from his cold grasp, but he kept his hold firm. "If you're going to kill me, just get on with it."

He raised his eyebrow at me. "Kill you. Love, you're main attraction." He proceeded into licking his lips. "Though that outfit make me want to do other things to you. I might just do them if you survive this round."

"You're a pig," I sneered as we kept walking.

"I've been called worse."

I looked behind me. I didn't see Warren or anyone. My chest increased as we walked through the corridor. Joseph pushed the door open, the roar of the crowd filled my ear as we walked down the aisle. When they saw us, their cheers grew louder.

Joseph held a wide smile as he held my arm up. "You want her. Well, here she is! Our little Cock Sucker!" The crowd started pounding their feet. Joseph opened the cell and threw me in before shutting the door. I landed on the floor with a hard thud. "Here she is, folks, our reigning champion! And don't be fooled by his age, Cock Sucker, this guy is a biter. Give it up for...Geezer!"

I looked up as the guy had his back towards me. I furrowed my eyebrows when the guy held his arms up high as he faced me. His teeth was showing as he tried to make it look like he was about to bite me.

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