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Damn, these bounty hunters! I've been running for a good five minutes and I've almost been shot three times. And let's add the running Zs everywhere following Murphy. If they're not doing that then they're trying to eat us. I dove behind a truck as one of the hunters tried to shoot at me.

"You got to be kidding me," I mumbled as I took my pistol out.

I cocked my gun before I turned around from the car and shot her. The bullet made it to the middle of her forehead. She let out a grunt before she fell down. I moved around the truck and switched my pistol for my rifle as I see the girl fidget. Her skin started to turn to the gross grayish color while her eyes turned milky white. I raised my gun up and used the knife end to chop her head off.

"I give you mercy," I quickly said while the blood splattered around my clothes. I looked up in time to see Murphy and Cassandra running away. I groaned in annoyance before I chased after them, only to be stopped short when I saw a figure laying on the ground. My eyes widen. "10k!"

I ran over to him and knelt down. His eyes looked a bit distant as I scanned him for any major injuries. When nothing was found I kept calling his name, but he just stared at me. Shit, can't he hear me? I placed my hands on his face to get a good look before I snapped my fingers in front of his eyes. When he blinked then I knew he wasn't blind. I was about to pick him up, but another bounty hunter ran over and was yelling like crazy. I took my rifle out and shot him in the chest. The moment he fell down, I wrapped 10k's arm around my shoulders and picked him up. I don't want another Z chasing us.

I looked around the lot in a panic. I'm not dying today. I heard a whistle and looked to see Doc behind another truck waving at me. I hauled 10k and I over there as Mack started shooting more hunters.

"You scared the hell out of me, kid," Doc told 10k. Then he looked at me. "Hey, you got the cuffs off!"

"Where am I?" 10k asked frantically.

"Don't worry. We got you now."


"I said we got you now."

I shook my head. "He can't hear you!" I yelled the same time 10k shouted, "I can't hear you!"

I continued. "I don't know what happened. He was just on the ground when I found him." I looked at 10k. "Must be one hell of a blast."

"What?!" He yelled.

We all ducked when another bullet went past our heads. This is insane! I grabbed my pistol and quickly fired at the old geezer with a shotgun. Then turned around to shoot a girl with her sniper.

"Why the hell is everybody shooting at everybody?!" Addy yelled in frustration. I would be too.

"Because they love a good blood bath!" I answered as I looked over the trunk of the car and shot the hillbilly teenager. "Is Murphy still worth it?!"

Warren knelt in front of us. "We're sitting ducks here. We're gonna have to split up into groups and keep moving." She looked at 10k. "10k, are you all right?"

"What?!" He asked. I sighed before I tapped his shoulder. When he looked at me, I pointed at him and gave him a thumbs up. He nodded before looking at Warren. "I'm ok!"

Warren pointed at Doc. "Doc, take him and One Shot with you. You guys, get to the alley and cut east and advance north. Mack and Addy, you guys take the westside. We'll flush him out."

"Well..well what about the bounty hunters?" Doc asked.

I cocked both my pistols in my hands. "We kill them." I looked at the group. "If you guys see iron giant, don't be afraid to kill him." Vasquez left me for dead. I should at least return the favor.

Warren nodded. "On my call. We'll cover you." She looked over the hood before shooting more people. I heard some bounty hunters doing their battle cry before they got shot. Warren knelt back down and held her fingers up while Doc and I wrapped 10k's arm around us. "Three, two, one. Go!"

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