
6.1K 160 21

"Mama, I'm afraid," I heard the girl say. The neighbor, or whatever she is, picked up the girls teddy bear before handing it to her.

I gave a sad sigh as I watched the two of them. Reminds me when my dad would hold on when I got scared during the first Z year. I was always afraid to wake up to find a Z looming over me before I become zombie chow. Then, Vasquez took charge the first few weeks after my dad turned Z.

"So?" I heard 10k began, making me focus on him. "Vasquez is your godfather."

I nodded disappointingly. "Yeah, he knew my dad way back then. I believe in high school." And I know he wanted to me to talk about what happened between us, but he doesn't need to know. I motioned my head towards Cassandra. "So, what's the story on her?"

"Cassandra?" I nodded. "There's not much to tell. We found her locked up in a cage. She tagged along with us. She got sick and was dying, but Murphy decided to make her his puppet."

I adjusted in my seat. "Was she your...girlfriend or something?"

10k shook his head. "No, she was just a friend. I did like her at one point, but that feeling started to disappear." Part of me was a bit relieved to hear that. 10k's eyes widen as he got up from his seat. "I think she saw us."

"What?" I asked as I followed him back to Warren. Damn, we should have been paying attention.

"Cassandra just went into the tent. I think she saw us," he told Warren.

"What do you want to do?" Vasquez asked her. "Wait for Murphy to come out and jump him?"

For once, I agree with him. "Maybe we should cuff him, too. We all know he's going to run again or do something stupid and bring all of us in it."

Warren shook her head. "No, I don't like waiting. Bad things happen when you wait."

"Well, we can take the guards hostage, search the compound for him," Vasquez suggested.

"I like that." She turned to 10k and Doc. "Doc and 10k, you guys create a diversion."

"Wait, are we killing or knocking someone out?" I asked while they nodded. "More importantly, can I just knock Murphy out?"

"How about we not do that and you could just walk up and say hello like civilized people," That annoying voice of Murphy said as he walked into the tent. Cassandra, a weird scientist, and two guards stood next to him.

I scoffed as I crossed my arms. "Like you're civilize."

"Come on, One Shot. I thought we're getting along just great."

"Great, my ass."

The guy in the lab coat looked at the group. "You know these folks?" Question directed to Murphy.

Murphy had that stupid smirk on his face. "Oh, we've covered a bit of ground together."

Doc nodded in annoyance. "Yes, we have. And dude seriously, I'm getting tired of chasing your bony ass all over the damn apocalypse." I second that.

"What are we messing around for?" Vasquez asked ridiculously. He stalked towards Murphy, making me and Warren push him back. "This man is our prisoner. We're taking him to California."

"Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey," Warren said. I heard a small hiss and took my pistol out before quickly turning around to point it in the middle of Cassandra's forehead. She glared at me before she bared her teeth. Oh, I'm so scared. What is she going to do? Hiss me to death? Warren grabbed my arm. "One Shot, stop."

Murphy started laughing. "Bonnie, Clyde, chill out. That ain't gonna happen."

"Shut it, Papa Smurf," I snapped. Oh, have I mention how much I want to shoot him. "What makes you think you're not going to California?"

Murphy kept that fucking smug look on his face. "Because the whole trip to California won't be necessary. There's a cure for the zombie virus right here, in that greenhouse. And all we have to do is go in there and get it."

"Screw you and your imaginary cure."

"Batch 47 is real," the scientist confirmed. "We just tested it. A bonafied zombie miracle." Like I'm going to believe anything this guy says.

Murphy nodded his head. "Well, think about it. No more relying on me to save the human race. It's a win-win. Right?"

"No, that's not our fight," Warren said.

Blondie stood up from her cot. "Please. If there's any hope."

I made a face before my glare returned to Cassandra.


Murphy stop volunteering us for stupid shit like this. If I was cold-hearted, I would have suggested that this place could go fuck itself. Fuck the Blonde, her kid, but I'm not that kind of person. The little kid needs that medicine, so we agreed to do it for her.

"Your job is to return to Batch 47 and harvest the rest of the seedpods," the guy told us. Why do I feel like there's something he isn't telling us? If he needed seedpods, then why couldn't he get them?

"And not get killed, right? Is that...that's part of the plan?" Doc stammered.

"Well, it's a secondary consideration, but sure."

I rolled my eyes. "Nice to know where your concern for our safety lies."

The guy pulled a cart up that carried armor. "I have protection for you."

Warren declined his offer. "That's ok. I'm gonna go like this. I need to be able to move to fight."

"Yeah. I like to be able to run from danger," Doc agreed, which created a chuckle from me. Oh, Doc.

We turned to leave, but the scientist suggested we shouldn't take our guns. Our bullets don't kill plants apparently. He suggested that we carry gardening tools.

I scoffed before holding the knife end of my rifle up. "I think we're good."

"Well, I'll take a garden Weasel. Always wanted one of those," Doc said. Ah, come on, Doc. I thought we were seeing eye-to-eye on this.

At least Vasquez got to stay back. I'm completely happy with that decision. The one time I'm happy for his allergies. What I'm not happy is that Murphy is leading us to our possible doom.

When we arrived in the greenhouse, vines were covering the place from head to toe. Branches were sticking out. Twigs breaking under our weight. Looks like a damn forest in here. I heard a snarl. I looked closely to see a Z trapped. Vines covering his body as it's milky white eyes stare at us.

Doc started to panic. "It's like some kind of giant shop of horrors."

I shook my head. "No, I'm thinking more like a Friday 13th kind of vibe. Maybe Jason Voorhees will come out of nowhere and kill us." I bobbed my head in front of Doc. "Boo!"

He jumped. "Jesus, One Shot. Don't scare me like that." I chuckled. "It's not funny!"

10k held his hand up. "I'm laughing."

"Ah, kid, not you, too."

We continued walking. I had to move some vines out of the way before it could hit my face. I heard more growls coming from the plants to see a female Z snarling at us. We kept on moving until another Z came around the corner.

"Watch it!" Addy yelled.

10k quickly took his sling shot out and slang the metal gear across the room. The gear went through the middle of the Z's forehead, and for some reason, made Murphy groan.

"3,216," 10k counted. Great, now he only had 6,784 more to go. But something went wrong. The Z didn't die. "Hey, you should be dead."

10k got ready for another shot. "That won't work here," Murphy stopped him. "They're all interconnected by the vines. You can't kill one without killing all of them." Great, we got out very own Poison Ivy.

Murphy took a few steps closer. He was doing his weird zombie mind control thing as the Z took a few steps back. He kept backing away till his back hits the wall. Murphy nodded at us to continue. I still don't know how he does that.


A/N: So much tension between One Shot and Cassandra. I wonder why? 🤔🤔

*Not edited*

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