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My body hurts. I think one of the Zeros busted one of my ribs. A bruise, I mean.  It hurts every time I breathe, but we had to get the last of Batch 47. I couldn't walk right, so 10k had to help me. My arm around his shoulders, both of our guns ready in case any more Zs decide to play peek-a-boo. Might be hard, but hey, I love a challenge.

Our weapons were held up high as we heard a growl up a head.

"Incoming!" Warren yelled. Then there was something coming towards us. Murphy just ran by us. Someone's in a hurry. "Murphy!" Then Warren lowered her weapon and spun around. "After him!"

We ran, more like limp for me. Murphy somehow managed to get trapped in the Z's vines and fell. The zombie started pulling him in. If this wasn't serious, I could have laughed at Murphy's screams.

"Hurry, I can't control it!" He screamed.

Warren and Doc started to pull him away. They ended up playing tug of war with the Z. 10k lets go of me before he tried to help. Doc pulled out a knife and started cutting the vines, which was hard since Murphy kept squirming.

"Will you hold still before I cut your foot off?" Doc told him. I say do it.

My eyes widen when Green Giant came out of the vines and growled. 

I held my gun up. "Guys, problem!"

I was about to shoot, but Murphy yelled at me. "Don't shoot!" Why on Earth would I not shoot?! He looked at the Z. "I tried to save you!"

I groaned. "Dude, it doesn't care!" I held my gun up, finger hovering over the trigger.

"Don't you dare, One Shot!"

I'm going to ignore him, like how I am with the pain in my body. I was about to pull the trigger when Vasquez decided to show up.

"Get down!" He yelled.

I fell on the ground as he didn't wait to pull the trigger. The Z staggered back a bit from the shots, but it didn't do shit. Vasquez just made it madder. Green Giant growled at us. 10k and Addy pulled out their gardening tools and stabbed the Z, but it just pushed them back as if they didn't do any damage to him. If it is a him.

"Mija, remember Arizona?" Vasquez shouted.

My eyes widen as the Z started coming towards me. "Yeah!"

"Do it now!"

I didn't even think twice. I held up my pistol and began firing at the thing. The vines around the Z was like a little shield. A few of my bullets went through the Z before I ducked again. Vasquez jumped over me and started stabbing the Z repeatedly. Each stab made Murphy scream louder. I got up while the Z pushed Vasquez off him. It growled and Cassandra tried to attack. She got bitch slapped by the Z before he tossed her aside.

I switched my pistol to my rifle. I ran at the Z and started swinging the knife end at it. It kept screeching as the knife cut through the vines.

"Come and get it, Green Dickhead!" I yelled as I kept swiping.

"Don't stop, One Shot," Addy told me.

I see her and 10k grabbing the vines that fell off the Z. I grit my teeth together, ignoring the burning sensation on my shoulder. I stabbed the Z in the chest. It growled at me before its two hands pushed my chest. I flew back and felt my body hit someone.

"Jesus, kid," Doc groaned, "a little warning next time you decide to body slam into me."

I rolled off him. "Sorry."

"Heads up, guys!" Warren shouted. Green Dickhead came at us. "Heads up!"

The Z growled at us as it got closer. Murphy's screaming filled the room. When the Z was near our faces, the vines that Addy and 10k were pulling got caught in the fan. The zombie got yanked back as the blade of the fan started cutting the vines.

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