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I can't believe Murphy. He never cared about anyone but himself. He didn't even want Lucy in the first place. Now he wants to be zombie father of the year. We're not trying to hurt Lucy, he needs to get that through that selfish head of his. Zombie baby or not, she's still a baby. 

I asked Doc about what he meant about taking care of babies and Doc said they ran into a zombie baby. The let me eat your brains kind. Think like Chucky but in zombie form. That was really scary. I don't know if that's worse or the blaster Zs.

"I think we got to go after him," Addy said as we sat in a circle. "He shouldn't be out there alone. Especially not with the baby"

"Especially when said baby attracts all kinds of Zs," I added. They hear Lucy cry and they want to rip off the arms of anyone who's got her. And Murphy doesn't have anyone around to play football with her.

"What about little miss sunshine over there?" Doc asked as he motioned to Cassandra. Addy and I looked back to see Cassandra watching us like a hawk. "He told her to stop us."

"She can't stop all of us at once," 10k pointed out.

I nodded in agreement. "True. And I already have a plan."

"Which is?" Doc wondered.

"You and Addy got one way, 10k and I go another. Whoever she catches, too bad." Addy gave me a look. "I'm kidding. But I do think we should give her mercy."

"One Shot -" Addy started.

I held my hands up. "Hey, I'm just saying." They sighed. I looked at Cassandra, who was glaring at me before looking at the group. "I get that she used to be your friend, but face the facts: she's a Z now. Murphy's controlled Z. She's basically his little bitch who will do anything he says. So if he wants her to kill us, she will not hesitate to do so. We should give her mercy now before things get even more worst."

"Well, I dunno," Doc said. "I think we should wait for Warren and Vasquez. They'll be here soon." Vasquez will basically tell them what I just said.

"Yeah, but we don't even know where they are," Addy pointed out. I sighed. Vasquez and his little secret side missions. "And what if something happens to the baby? Or Murphy? He didn't take any food for the baby. Why would he not take food for the baby?"

Murphy's not going to kill her. That I know for certain.

"Oh, he wouldn't do that, would he?" Doc asked.

"We don't know what he's capable of."

I snorted. "Guy jumped into a pool full of Zs. I wouldn't be shocked by anything he does."

"He's more zombie than he is human," Addy said.

"More like devil spawn than human," I mumbled. I looked at Cassandra to see her ready to pounce. "Are you guys sure we can't kill her?"

"No, One Shot. That is not -"

"Maybe it is," 10k cut her off, surprising all of us. We looked at him. "Ry does have a point and a good plan. There's four of us and one of her. If she tries to stop us, we'll do what we have to do."

Addy gave him a look. "You can't be serious?"

"She's not Cassandra. Not anymore."

"I don't know, man," Doc said. "She is getting weirder. And you've seen how strong she is."

"Not to mention that she's Murphy's slave," I added.

"She would not hurt us. Not really," Addy argued.

Doc shook his head. "I wouldn't be so sure."

I gave each of them a look. "We all run in different directions. She'll grab one of us, and the other three can go look for Murphy." I looked at 10k, who nodded at me. Then I looked at Doc, who agreed. Then I looked at Addy. She was still a bit iffy about the whole plan but agreed nonetheless.

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