
13.4K 335 45

I led the way through the junkyard with Warren, Doc, and 10k following. Well, Warren and 10k were following, Doc was half limping. I pointed towards the busted black convertible.

"Just a few more feet," I said. When we reached it, I opened the back door and grabbed the gallon of water. I spun around and handed the 1/6 filled jug to Warren. "It might not be much, but -"

She gave me a nod in thanks. "It's good. Thank you."

She took a small sip before she handed it to Doc. He looked like he was in heaven when the water went down his throat. He passed it to 10k.

"So, you live out here on your own, One Shot?" Doc asked.

I shook my head as I went further in the backseat. "This place, no. Camped here for the last week. Don't like staying in one place too long, might get more Zs. I've checked every car in this lot, only a few had water. Others..." I grabbed the pack of crackers and a half bag of chips. I smiled as I got out and held it up to them.

"Oh, sweet Jesus."

Doc grabbed the crackers as I handed 10k the chips. "You didn't have to do that," Warren said.

I shrugged as I adjusted my rifle. "It's ok. I was getting tired of the crackers and chips diet," I joked. "Sadly that's all I have left."

"You really didn't have to do that," 10k said, mouth full of chips.

"Like I said. It's fine. I was about to head out anyway." I waved at them. "Good luck finding this Murphy person."

I was about to head out, but Warren stopped me. "Doc's right. You shouldn't be out here on your own. How would you like to join us, One Shot?"

Let see, I've been doing fine on my own for a while now. I don't have to depend on anyone but myself and the only person I can trust is me. But these people have survived the Zs this long. And they just didn't take my food and left. And I really don't have anywhere else to go.

I nodded. "Sure. Where to next?"


Warren left to find more food and water. She told us to give her 48 hours before we leave her. So to pass time 10k and Doc were filling me in on why they have to find Murphy. Apparently, he's the only living being with a cure in his blood stream for the Z virus. Now they're going to California in hopes of getting the vaccine.

I let out a low whistle. "No offense, but this Murphy sounds like a douche bag."

"He is," Doc and 10k said.

I started to chuckle. I saw something move in the distance and stood up. I walked ahead of the guys and got a closer look. My eyes widen as I saw five Zs running towards us.

"Guys!" I yelled as I got my rifle out. "We might want to get out of here."

"Why?" Doc asked.

I used the front sight to aim at the Z. I pulled the trigger and the bullet went through the Z's eye. The sound made the other Z's go crazy and sprint faster.

I spun around and ran towards the guys. "Zs!"

10k's eyes widen as he wrapped Doc's arm around his shoulders. They started running ahead of me as I look back. Two of the Zs were near us. I grabbed both my pistols and pointed it at them. I shot one at the Z closest to me though the neck. Then I pulled the trigger and it went right in the middle of the other Z's forehead. It went down and rolled, making the other Z trip over it.

I put one of my pistols back and ran after 10k and Doc. There was a truck tall enough for us to climb on. I grabbed the back of 10k shirt and pointed towards it.

"Over there. Over there!"

He quickly ran towards it. He placed his hand down and gestured Doc to jump. Doc placed his foot on 10k's palm before 10k pushed him up. Doc grabbed the top edge of the car and pulled himself up. He leaned over and reached his hand down for 10k to take. He pulled 10k up before he placed his hand down for me. I quickly grabbed it and he pulled me up right when the two Zs ran into the car.

They looked up at us as they reached. I grabbed my rifle again and shot the farthest Z before I swung the knife end at the closest Z. It nailed him in the head. I pulled the rifle out.

"You could use one of those," Doc said as he nudged 10k.

I put my rifle back. "Made it myself. Dad use to be a mechanic. Learned a thing or two from him."

"You guys hear that?" 10k asked.

I looked around the car to hear the sound of someone struggling along with some yells. Some guy was struggling with a zombie a few yards ahead of us while some redhead was holding a bat ready to swing. 10k took out his gun and shot the Z through the eye.

The two strangers looked towards us. I gave Doc and 10k a confused look as they waved at them. Doc noticed my confusion and pointed at the people.

"Mack and Addy. They're with us," He explained.

"3,099!" 10k yelled.

"We saw your signal!" Doc called after.

I feel like I should yell something too. "I just met them!"


A/N: One Shot's rifle...

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