A Brief History of Kingdom Politics

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Once upon a time, the land of Iride was ruled by a strong bloodline.

In loyalty we find strength

That was the crest of the house of Pengranton. That was their ultimate belief. And by staying loyal to themselves and to their subjects, their house thrived, ruling the land for generations.

Innovative and broadminded, the kings improved trade and secured diplomatic ties with Annora and the Free Cities of Talia. They even kept the peace with neighboring Endir, even if the relationship between the two large kingdoms has always been tense.

When the fairy wars began, they were quick to secure their position as the defenders of lives, be they human or fairy, and fought against magical addiction. Fought against the witches in their midst or in the lands of strangers. Fought against the pirates trading magic.

But war demands sacrifice. And with the death of King Sabian came the fall.

The Witch King of Iride was dead, but at the cost of the life of the king of Iride. Both countries were left without rulers, picking up after a violent war that had lasted decades. Picking up the pieces of misused magic.

For Endir, it was the end of their line. A mysterious heir is said to be out there, but the running of the country was left to a Steward. One who now takes claim upon the throne.

For Iride, there was an heir. One who took over immediately and closed the borders. Banned all magic and had heirs of his own.

Except, their fate appeared to be cursed.

The royal line is dying out.

The war between Iride and Endir has taken its toll on the royal bloodline. It had been reliant, sturdy, always producing strong male heirs who waged war, brought peace, and lived for many years.

Until the reign of Ferrahs.

Prince Ferdinand is rumored to have been kidnapped by pirates. Prince Edmund is small for his age, and his health is frail.

The borders are closed.

Poverty consumes the land, and it has begun to slither its way into the suburbs of the capital city of Valona. There are dissatisfied whispers raising dust on the streets. Rumors of bandits attacking travelers, of forgotten monsters and creatures driving the people out of their homes.

There is even hushed talk of rebellion.

But on the surface, there is nothing to be done. King Ferrahs refuses to take heed of the whispered warnings. The borders stay closed. Magic is forbidden. The creatures of legend are not real, only rumors spoken by frightened peasants. Because as long as he does not see them, they stay a myth.

There is no poverty, no famine, no danger. His only concern is his heir. Because he too is aware that Prince Edmund may not live to see his twentieth birthday. That should Ferdinand not be found, he is left without a viable heir. The queen is too old to give him another child, and he will not sire a bastard son. He has made sure such a person could never claim the throne.

His only hope resides in Ferdinand. And yet, his entire army is unable to locate him. An exchange was demanded, but Ferrahs cannot provide. Because what the pirates seek, he does not have. He never had.

And should the prince not be found, the kingdom will fall to Endir. To the curses and the magic.

To the curse that has consumed the one person who could save them all.

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