9. The Jolly Marauder

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Kat most certainly didn't like waiting in the tiny antechamber with the Jinx woman. Why did Jazz need to discuss with Cage alone? It was obviously not matters of money, since they'd already discussed that in front of them. Then what? Maybe a stiffer price they would have to pay that had nothing to do with gold?

"Relax," Jinx said, a grin on her face. "It won't last long."

"Do you know what they're discussing?"

The woman's green eyes narrowed. "Matters of men."

Kat huffed. "Of course. Matters that are too much for our woman minds to grasp. Bullshit." The last word slipped out before she could catch herself.

It only broadened the smile on Jinx's face. "I think we might get along well after all."

Kat wasn't so sure about that, but it certainly wasn't wise to antagonize her in case they ended up using their ship. The fact that Jinx existed in the first place was odd since women were usually considered to bring bad luck and misfortune upon ships. It was why a lot of the sailors on the docks didn't take kindly to women wondering around. But then again, maybe she manned the shanty while Jazz was gone.

"What are you scheming?" she suddenly asked, making Kat jump. "If we're going to be traveling together, you better not be the type who hides their mind. Traveling by sea in these times requires full trust."

There was one question answered. Kat didn't really want to get into what she'd been thinking, but if Jinx wanted honesty, she was much too good at that. "So, are you guys pirates?"

Jinx's eyes narrowed. "Of course not."

"But you are mercenaries."

"We are businessmen. You pay us, we take you places. Discretely. Because it there's one thing I'm convinced of, it's that you wouldn't be here if you had nothing to hide."

Kat swallowed heavily, but decided not to grace that with an answer. "So, if Jazz and Cage settle on the conditions of this... transaction, when will we be leaving?"

The woman tilted her head. "Cage, huh? That's a peculiar name."

Kat winced. She hadn't even considered hiding their real names, but Cage had made no mention of the sort and it felt like something they would have agreed upon before getting there. Plus, using fake names felt like a bother if they'd be with the same people for a long time.

"Yeah, that's what everyone calls him."

"What's your name?"


"Short and sweet." Jinx eyed her up and down as if to assess how much the name fit her current image. It probably didn't. Her disguise made her more of a Gertrude than a Kat.

Fortunately, the door opened and Cage and Jazz stepped out, putting an end to the awkward conversation.

"Let's go show our new friends our ship," Jazz said with the same good humor, wrapping his arm around Jinx's waist and leading her outside.

Kat stared at them, a little taken aback by the open display of affection, and maybe the tiniest bit jealous. The jealousy evaporated immediately as Cage wrapped his arm around her, too, and they followed.

"What happened?" she whispered.

"Things are a little more complicated than I thought," he whispered back. "I'll tell you later."

"We're just going off with them?"

"Our choices just narrowed down dramatically."

The light of the sun didn't dim her worries as they stepped outside and followed the other two towards the ship. It looked very well kept and the inscription on the side showed it was called The Jolly Marauder.

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