31. Become the Beast

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The grin on Wolfbane's face was disgusting, but he released Ferdinand. He whimpered and panted, trying to catch his breath as Cage's words poisoned the air between them.

"But I don't want it," he said. "Fherras played his cards, and I've long accepted that. You will be king, Fer."

"Why should I be?" Ferdinand's voice was little more than a whisper. "Why, when I don't have the birthright?"

"You do as far as everyone knows. You have more legitimacy than me in the eyes of the people." Cage wasn't sure why he was saying all this. Not that it mattered much when they were both imprisoned by Woflbane. But somehow, he didn't want to lose his brother's love, his respect.

"My legitimacy is based on a lie." His voice sounded so defeated that Cage wanted to tear Wolfbane's head off. "Why didn't you tell me?"

This was why. Because Cage had always known that Ferdinand would not accept the injustice. He would want to do what was fair, what was right. Which was why he would be a much better king than Cage could ever be.

"I swore to mother that I wouldn't. I... swore to my king." The last words fought their way out of his mouth. "And I am no fool. I recognize the truth. You will make a much better king than I ever could.

"Are you sure?" Wolfbane stepped close to Fer again, his grin filled with malice. "Are you sure he will make a good king?"

"Yes, you abomination," Cage spat out. "I'm sure."

Wolfbane slid a jagged blade dagger from a scabbard underneath his cloak and placed the tip against Ferdinand's stomach. He flinched at the contact. "Allow me to disagree."

The blood rushed to Cage's head as the effects of their imprisonment suddenly became clear. "What do you want, Wolfbane? You got me."

"True, I did." He pressed the blade into Ferdinand's skin. Blood stained his shirt, but he sucked air through his teeth and didn't cry out in pain.

"So have at me and let him go."

"I can take it, Kale," Fer said, his voice trembling with pain.

"No, you can't! And you! There will be hell to pay if you hurt the crown prince, no matter who you think I should be! What the fuck do you want anyway? I bet Fherras would give you anything, that Fer himself will reward you once he is king--"

Wolfbane laughed so loudly, Cage fell silent at once. "You think I'm searching for the king's favor?"

"I think you're actually trying to strongarm him into something."

"Oh, no." The blade sank deeper, and this time Ferdinand cried out. "I don't care for anything your king can offer. Because he could never stop me from getting it myself."

Cage struggled against the bonds harder than ever. One of the legs of the chair broke from its fixture. The following second, all his muscles burned in pain as they tensed, impeding all movement. Wolfbane had one of his arms reaching out towards him. There was no trace of a smile on his face now.

"I should stop underestimating you, boy."

He really should, but Cage didn't like this new approach. It hurt to breathe, much like it did when Cecil caught him in a similar magic hold. He'd been so dismissive of her attempts to convince him to free himself, but he realized he really could have used that skill right there. Instead, he was frozen in his chair, no longer held by the iron cuffs, but the agony inside his own body. It only sent his magic into a frenzy, and it now felt as if he were not just getting crushed from the inside out, but on fire, too.

Still, he pushed words out. "What...are you trying... to get... from this?"

"Trying to get?" Wolfbane's voice was musing now, but he kept his evil yellow eyes on Cage. "That's what you fools don't understand. You, that pitiful king of yours, that pathetic steward of Endir... I don't care! About Iride, about Endir, about fucking Tallia or the Southern Isles. You are all the same. Looking for order. I abhor order."

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