Letters #1

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Dearest Cage,

All is well. 

Keleigh and I have been busy accommodating everyone at the castle, trying to make it hospitable for the new staff. I don't know where you found so many people, but they keep on coming. Joey claims they're not nearly enough, that more should be employed. It just sounds like pure madness to me.

I have spoken to Malcom as well and gave him the instructions you left me. All the refugees from Endir are being gathered in the camp near the border. So far, I hear the king has no idea it exists and it will hopefully stay that way for a very long time. You will have to speak with Malcom however, because he refuses to tell me what he's found out from them. Frustrating man, really.

I'd much rather keep company with Sir William and Joey. But now I can't even talk to them because of all these new people. I'm not even sure what you want to do with them since we will be leaving.

We're still leaving, right? Both of us, not just you.

Oh, gods, you didn't just leave without me, did you? Cage, you did NOT do this to me! You said it wouldn't take long, that you would be back, and I, like a fool, trusted you!

Where are you? I know you told me not to ask, but I'm asking. When are you coming back?

Maybe I'm overreacting, but I really don't want a big lie to be the way we begin our life together. And all these strangers are making me anxious.

When are you coming back?



What's wrong, Kit-Kat? Missing me?

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What's wrong, Kit-Kat? Missing me?

What's wrong, Kit-Kat? Missing me?

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Don't be an ass. Of course I miss you. And answer my questions!

Don't you miss me too?

Of course I do, sweetheart

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Of course I do, sweetheart. I'll be back by the end of the week.

Love you!


Yes, he loved her, and she knew that too well

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Yes, he loved her, and she knew that too well. She could tell he was teasing, that he missed her as much as she missed him. But his absence weigh heavy on her. With every passing day, anxiety gripped her, twisting her stomach into knots, making her feel unfit to face the new servants she was supposed to be an example to.

She was, after all, a future duchess.

She didn't feel like a duchess. She felt like the lowly peasant girl she had been for most of her life. But what was worse was that she felt as if she would suffocate if Cage didn't return soon.

The feeling was too real, a claw digging into her heart, gripping it an twisting.

But she chose to believe him. She had no other choice.

No, I'm not starting updates

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No, I'm not starting updates. But I already had this written and thought I'd let you have it. Such a difference from how the first book started.

Hope you will enjoy this new adventure with your favorite characters!

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