8. Valona Port

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Valona Port was huge.

As they neared it, Kat realized it might be as large as her entire town. And at first, it appeared just as reasonable. Caddies and shacks selling fish and other sea creatures, fishermen exchanging stories, seagulls screaming in the sky.

Of course, the place reeked of fish, but she was used to it from the market of her own town.

The closer they came to the docks, things changed. The patrons became rowdier, larger, the taverns and stalls more beaten down. She could swear that a few of the weather worn men they encountered were actually retired pirates.

As the stone slabs beneath their feet changed into creaking wood, Cage took her hand and pulled out a dagger. Kat hesitated. Sure, the place was obviously shady, but as far as she knew, so were all docks, but that didn't mean they had to draw attention to themselves by being outright threatening.

He seemed to have a completely different idea as he walked on, twisting the dagger between his fingers.

"Why are you doing that?" she whispered.

"Trust me, sweetheart. If you looked like your normal self, I'm sure someone would've tried to grab you by now. This is not a place to wonder without being trouble yourself." He continued to play with the dagger in a clear show of skill.

His affirmation made her pull closer to him because she could feel the danger around them. People glared, obviously not taking kindly to gutsy strangers. Kat suddenly wished the others could see Cage's real image. She was sure his size would dither many of them and maybe dim some of the hostility. At least she was still tall.

"Could you take off the veil?" she whispered, holding on tighter to his hand.

"I could, but I'm pretty sure half of these unsavory characters would recognize me."

"Really?" They all looked so frightening and dangerous. Why would they know Cage well enough to recognize him after seven years of absence?

The slightly guilty grin he gave her made her realize that she didn't want to know. Especially once a large, muscular man with an eye patch blocked their path. His lips were twisted in a snarl, and his beedy dark eye was narrowed. His bulging arms were filled with tattoos.

"Just where do ya think yer going, matey?"

Kat halted, her pulse rising with unease. Cage did, too, an inexplicable grin on his face.

"And wondering around with a lass." The man shook his head in pity. "So stupid."

"Now why don't you get out of our way and mind your own business? We don't want trouble."

"Then maybe you shouldn't've wondered inta my side of the docks."

"Your side?" Cage clicked his tongue. "As far as I'm aware, these docks belong to the king."

The burly many huffed. "The king himself wouldn't dare set foot here without an army."

"True. He usually sends the navy to quiet you scoundrels. How has that been going lately?"

The man tensed, anger flashing on his face. "That's no concern of yers. Now I suggest you hand over yer gold pouch for trespassin' and head on outta here before something happens to you or yer lass."

"And I suggest you move out of my way before I hang you up by your peg leg," Cage retorted, his tone light.

The man's eye widened thus time, the malice replaced by fear.

"Again," Cage said, for good measure. "Selvig."

"Wha-- How?"

Cage stopped playing with the dagger and pointed it at his neck. "I'm done playing around. Move."

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