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It felt like a nightmare.

Seeing Cage being tortured by someone he thought was a friend, her inability to do anything for fear that she'd lose control of her magic again and doom them all... Why couldn't Jazz see reason? Why did he insist on tearing her and Cage apart when he knew they couldn't survive without each other?

Yes, she'd hurt the people he loved, but it hadn't been on purpose. And still, he pushed.

It's him that needs to go. Join his friends.

No. She wouldn't.

He's hurting Cage. He's hurting you both.

He was. She should do something about it. But he had his sword out, and even if half of his attention was on keeping Cage in place, Kat knew she couldn't take him. Jazz was too good of a swordsman and would disarm her in the blink of an eye.

You have the power to stop this. Why aren't you doing anything?

Jazz would see reason. He had to. He wouldn't really hurt Cage, or her. He was their friend. He was just in pain. Grieving. Over something I've done.

But it was hard to keep thinking that when he was obviously causing Cage a lot of pain, when he insisted that both she and Leila left the ship.

Leila. What if it all came down to her? Trouble seemed to be following Kat around ever since she'd rescued the girl. What if...?

Leila was always by your side. Encouraged you. This isn't fair to her.

Nothing felt fair. Especially not the magic burning underneath her skin, begging to be let out and punish. Destroy. She wouldn't let it out. She wouldn't hurt anyone else.

Oh yes, you will.

Before she knew it, she was standing, flames burning between her fingers. Her mouth was saying words she'd never even considered before, and her body felt as if it had pushed her out. There was someone else in there. The voices. The voices had finally beaten her after laying dormant for so long, after making her believe she had defeated them.

"You will all burn."

The words had left her mouth, filled with hatred, directed at the people she loved. Jazz had released Cage, she could see that. The two of them were glancing at her wearily, rightfully cautious.

"Kat, no one has to get hurt," Cage said, lifting his hands. He didn't even look at Jazz, had no ill will towards the man who'd just tortured him. His weary gaze was on her.

Even when Jazz deserved to burn.

"Oh, I beg to differ." 


Fire shot towards Jazz. He put up a magical shield, holding his hands out. But the fool had used magic before, he'd drained his resources. Sweat dripped down the sides of his face.

"Kat, no!"

She pulled against the hold of the voices as hard as she could and stopped the flames. For a moment, she was back inside her body, panting, feeling the sting of the magic. Tears flowed down her cheeks from the effort.

"What's happening to me?" Her voice was barely there, choked by terror and shame.

Cage stepped forward, his arms open to hold her, offer her solace from the madness.

"Stop. Stay back."

A new voice joined the party and Cage froze in mid-step, once again confined by magic. Cecile walked towards them, her stormy eyes on Kat, her dress flowing like grey clouds behind her.

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