28. Real Magic

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The storm clouds were coming nearer with every passing hour, and everyone aboard the Jolly Marauder became only too aware that they only had days until they would reach Principala. It only strengthened Kat's resolve to learn how to wield her magic properly.

"Come on," she insisted, "let's go train!"

Her plea fell on deaf ears. Jazz, Jinx, and Cage had barricaded themselves inside the stateroom and only threw her a fleeing glance before returning to their maps and previous discussion. It was a sight to behold. With their different skin tones and colors, it was as if Endir, Iride, and Talia had joined forces to fight a common enemy. Which wasn't too far from the truth, even if no such official alliance existed.

"It won't necessarily be on a ship," Jazz continued, pointing to one edge of the map. "As far as I'm aware, Wolfbane has actual buildings in place."

"Made out of ship scraps," Jinx supplied.

"Yes. And they're all around the coast. So it's a lot more likely that the prince would be in one of those. They're flimsy, traitorous things. You could easily fall through the floor and find your death against the jagged edges of the cliffs."

Cage bit down on his lower lip, considering the information. "I'm wondering if he would like to keep a pattern."

"Cage, the conditions aren't similar," Jazz said, sounding impatient. "He captured you from your ship, while you were out at sea. He was nowhere near Principala then."

"Correction. He blew my ship apart and fished me out of the water."

"He didn't kidnap you off the shore, though."

Cage hummed, drumming his fingers on his chin. Due to their battle with the sea monster, he hadn't had the time to shave and a shadow had appeared across his jaw. Kat had to admit that she liked him like this, a little scruffier. It looked good on him for some reason, just like it did on Jazz.

"That's true. From sea to sea, from shore to shore."

"Anyway, we'll know where he is," Jinx pointed out. "He flies that disgusting flag as if he's too good to be a target."

"He unfortunately is," Jazz mumbled.

Cage glanced at his fist and tendrils of lightning flashed across it for the briefest second. "Not anymore. He's too used to fighting people with chaotic magic or no magic at all. Do we have any idea how many of his men have magic, if any?"

"Of course not!" Jazz rolled his eyes. "Wolfbane only lets out the information he wants people to know. This is not one of them. But we must assume there are quite a few. How else could they stand him?"

"But this only means we need to be as prepared." Kat saw this as the perfect moment to reiterate her request. "So let's train!"

"A little busy here," Jazz mumbled grabbing one of his measuring instruments and making it dance around the map. "Go train with Trix if you're so impatient."

Kat bristled and glared at Cage. He just shrugged, still looking uncertain.

"Sorry, sweetheart, but since we're getting close, we need to plan a strategy. That's just as important as training."

"Not for me!"

Jinx let out a loud, impatient sigh, but Kat ignored her. It might sound unreasonable to them, like she was an annoying toddler, but whatever strategy they were discussing, it wouldn't yield results unless there were as many of them able to help as possible. And she definitely couldn't with chaotic magic running through her body. She had to learn how to use it and fast.

"Which is exactly why I said you should go train with Trix," Jazz repeated, his eyes still on the map. "No one said you're wrong to want to get started."

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