22. Threats Within

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Leila's reaction to Kat's explanations was something that the latter could have never predicted.

Kat had expected excitement or fear. She had not anticipated wariness from a seventeen-year-old girl who had been seconds away from being sold for her body.

"I'm not sure what to say, Kat," the girl said, her voice filled with doubt. "This doesn't seem fair to you."

Kat couldn't really agree. She saw no reason why she should get special treatment. "We're all in this together. That's why we think that you should train as well."

Leila hummed, for once looking thoughtful. "It could never hurt for me to learn to defend myself. I mean, it could stop any unpleasant situations similar to... You know."

Kat couldn't agree more. After all, being denied proper education in physical matters was one of the main causes men dominated women and abused them. She had felt so powerful when her father had first put a practice sword in her hand. She still did, every time she held a weapon, even if it took Trix mere seconds to knock it from her hand. Therefore, she found it a bit odd that Leila was not more excited.

"Is the magic bothering you?"

"No, of course not. I come from Endir, after all. Magic is praised in our kingdom. And most of us can only dream of meeting a Witch in our lifetime." Leila raised her eyes to look at Kat. "I just can't believe I had the chance to meet so many."

Kat bit her lip, feeling a bit inadequate, for once because of her lack of magic. It was an unwelcomed feeling, but she pushed past the unease, aware that she had to learn to embrace magic if she didn't want to lose her mind. Leila seemed to notice that because she glanced at her with excitement.

"So you have magic, too? No wonder you're so amazing!"

"Um... I must have some, or Cecile couldn't have bound Cage and I together."

"That is so romantic." Leila clasped her hand together.

Kat didn't really think so because the dire need corrupted their romance, but she didn't see the point in arguing. She also didn't think she was that amazing with how much she'd been messing up lately, but at least she now had the chance to make it right.

"So it's settled, right? You're going to start training?"

Leila gave a stoic nod and Kat couldn't help but smile. Despite everything, she was a good girl caught in a tight situation. She could be part of the crew and fit in. And then, just a tiny part of Kat would rejoice that, even if she'd gone about it the wrong way, she'd been right in the end.

Except that over the next few days, every thought about Leila fitting in left Kat's mind. As though stirred by the storm, the others took training to an entirely different level. She often found herself facing a Trix who no longer took it easy on her and sometimes even used magic while Jinx and Jazz tried to bring Cage down through any means necessary.

It meant that Cage had to actively use magic, too, and he'd gotten so good at it in such a short time that it was frightening. When they were alone, from time to time, he tried to somehow restore the protection of their ship which Cecile had ruined. The means to do it escaped him and he ended up extremely frustrated.

Kat herself had to admit that the grueling training was starting to get to her. From time to time, she even found herself glancing at Cage with envy, wishing she could at least throw an object without touching it and knock Trix over before he got to disarm her.

Jinx, Jazz, and Trix were proving magic could be used in many ways as they jumped great heights and pushed each other up with invisible forces, running circles around Cage before bringing him down. As much as he tried, his only improvement was lasting just a bit longer against them before finally facing defeat.

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