25. Surrender

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Even if at first she'd thought that she was fine, the moment Kat and Cage reached the hall, it felt like her feet were running out from under her with a mind of their own. It made her giggle.

"At least you're a happy drunk," Cage whispered to her, pulling her a bit closer to steady her. The heat of his body sent an entirely different type of haze to her brain which made the alcohol feel like nothing at all.

"So are you."

"Fortunately. I was unpleasant enough sober."

"You're most definitely not unpleasant sober."

"Well, not anymore. You definitely have a way of bringing out the best in me."

"And the beast in you."

The smirk on his face sent butterflies to her stomach. When he wrapped and arm around her waist and continued to lead her down the hall, she intentionally stumbled to have him pull her even closer. Fortunately, Leila, who was leading the way towards the rooms, didn't turn around to witness what she might have considered a cute scene.

But when she stopped in front of her door and turned to them, there seemed to be a weird twinkle in her eyes, as if she were holding back from being her usual overexcited self. Regardless of the reason she'd decided to leave them be, Kat was grateful. Gushing would surely sour Cage's mood and she definitely didn't want that.

"Well, goodnight," Leila wished them. "I really need the sleep."

"Yes, of course, me too," Kat said with a nod and she and Cage moved past her door just as she closed it.

"Why do I have a feeling that you're lying?" Cage asked when they stopped in front of his door.

"Lying? About what?"

"About needing sleep."

He'd caught her red-handed, but she wasn't about to admit it. Her plan was a bit more complicated than that. The fact that they were now alone in the narrow hallway helped, but she wanted to get a bit further. So she frowned.

Cage immediately picked up on her mood and leaned closer, looking worried. "What's the matter?"

"I think I might need help," she said, taking his hand and pulling him towards her room.

"Help with what?" he asked with a laugh. "You walk straighter than me."

"You also had a lot more to drink than me."

"Are you counting my pints, sweetheart? Not a healthy foundation for a marriage." But there was definitely amusement in his voice. "Not to mention that you're such a lightweight."

"Not many opportunities to get inebriated in my town. I was a respectable member of society." She turned to face him, leaning with her back against her door.

He fortunately fell into her game, leaning his hands on either side of her, pining her between his body and the door.

"You still are," he whispered, leaning down and resting his forehead against her temple.

His lips brushed the side of her face ever so gently. It sent a very pleasant shiver down her spine. That was the thing, she no longer wanted to be. A mere hour ago, she'd been terrified, convinced that she was about to die and there would be no escape.

The experience reminded her of Keleigh's words, of her advice when it came to taking their relationship further. They were just wasting time. Jazz and Jinx had the right idea about how things should work.

She turned her head and met his lips. He seized the opportunity to kiss her. It was deep and hungry, as if he'd been waiting to do it for a very long time. Maybe it was the alcohol or the lingering sense of dread and thrill at being alive, but it felt more intense than ever, as if he too had realized they'd almost lost each other. She ran her fingers through his hair, now a little longer than before, but still looking so good on him. Then her hands slid down his shoulders, his back, then to the front, touching his hard stomach. Her fingers found the top button of his shirt and fought to unbutton it.

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