20. Magical Luck

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Kat's stomach twisted with nerves. After her conversation with Cage, his words continued to ring inside her, even as she sowed a torn sail with Leila. She kept chattering in Endirian, telling Kat about her family. She understood most of the words, but since she wasn't focusing, the essence of the story evaded her.

Cage was right and it hurt. She'd been so wrapped up in her victory and the righteousness of her motives that she'd failed to see that the others were not just being stubborn for the sake of it. It was true. She'd knowingly appealed to Jinx precisely because she knew her story and would see herself in Leila. And Kat was also aware Jazz would not deny her because he was in love with her. Maybe without thinking it, she'd tapped into both their weaknesses and used them against them. No wonder they were bitter.

Once it was time for dinner, the unease inside her only grew as she became aware she had to talk. And Cage had been right about another thing. She couldn't get into it with Leila there. Not because it was a secret, but because even she could tell she couldn't start a discussion about the crew's shortcomings and weak spots in the presence of a person they had refused to admit in their midst.

Fortunately, as they all gathered around the table, things seemed to have improved on their own. Jinx was joining them again, though she'd made a habit out of eating in her cabin lately, and even if she wasn't sitting in Jazz's lap, as she did before, the fact that she was there, sitting next to him, spoke volumes. It made him more relaxed, which in turn had Trix joking again and poking fun at Harrison's cooking.

Kat smiled, but kept to herself, doing her best to remain unnoticed and not ruin the mood. But once the food was gone and all that was left were empty dishes, she felt even shakier. Cage reached out and took her hand, squeezing to let her know she was not off the hook. A knot lodged itself into her throat.

"Lass," Harrison said to Leila, "I need your help with putting away the supplies."

"Oh?" Leila raised her pale blue eyes and stared, fear shining in them for some reason.

"It's okay," Kat said.

"But--" Leila cut herself off, her frightened gaze drifting from Harrison to her.

"It's not hard work," Cage said with a shrug. "We all take turns. Tonight, it's you. You'll have to become part of the schedule now that you're with the crew."

This seemed to reassure Leila because she nodded and stood. Harrison led her towards the stove from where the two of them picked up the pots, then he opened the door to clearly indicate it was time to leave. Kat had no idea why, but this tore at her, because it was obvious Cage and Harrison were just creating the setting for her to speak. It shouldn't feel as if she were betraying Leila. After all, this wasn't even about her.

"I'm so sorry," she blurted out.

Jazz and Jinx both raised their eyebrows, but Trix didn't seem surprised. Cage squeezed her hand again, in obvious encouragement. A part of her wanted to pull away because he certainly couldn't understand how hard this was for her.

"Go on," Jazz said when she stayed silent.

He knew what she wanted to say. He'd probably heard it before, in one of his visions. It made her resent him a little for making her say it again.

"I shouldn't have pushed you to accept Leila. I mean I still believe I did the right thing by saving her and bringing her with us, but I should have explained better why I wanted her on board, not forced your hand."

"You used what I told you about me in confidence," Jinx snarled, crossing her arms over her chest.

"I know, and I'm sorry."

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