3. Welcome To Hell

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I sigh as I drive my car into the school parking lot. 

Back to school. More like back to hell. These past two years in high school have been terrible and I'm sure this third one won't be any better. 

At least back then I sort of had Sky to protect me. But he's at home with Rose and Loren's just gone off to Yale yesterday so I guess it's open season on me.

I step out of my shiny black Range Rover and walk towards the entrance, shoulders slumped. 

As I walk by some of my peers, I notice they start to whisper and laugh and stare at me. Great. Here we go again. I'm already the laughingstock. 

"Hey, man." Lucas Donovan, my mortal enemy, joins me side. 

Confused (and annoyed) I say "Hey." ready for an ambush of sorts. 

"How was your summer?" He asks. 

I frown. Why is he acting like a human? Shouldn't he be breathing fire at me right now? 

"Uh... good?" I shrug. 

I'm waiting for the catch. 

"Cool, dude. Hey, I'll see you later." He waves at me and walks off. 

What the hell was that? 

I'm thoroughly confused as I enter the building. 

I notice the people laughing at me are mostly girls. It's just like at the grocery store.. Am I that unattractive? Am I that laughable? 

"H-hey." A girl I don't know approaches me. She has pale skin, light brown eyes and red-ish brown hair that reaches her shoulder. Her features are soft and small.  She's really pretty.

"Uh.. Hi." I say, confused she can see through my ever-present invisibility wall.

"I'm Fawn." She says. 

I nod awkwardly. I look around and notice a group of girls staring at us full of anticipation. 

"I just.. wanted to ask you out on a date." She says quickly. 

I look back at the girls. They pretend not to look at me. 

Oh. Now I get it. This is a dare. 

Very funny. 

I sigh and walk past her. 

As I said: Welcome to hell. 

× × ×

I'm headed into the cafeteria after my first classes while making my math homework. I wanna get it done before I get home so that I can spend some time gaming later. It should be possible since it's the start of the year and the teachers don't have us swamped with work. Yet. 

"Yo Chase!" Lucas calls from a crowded table. 

I look up confused, yet again and raise my hand. 

"Come over here!" He yells. 

I close my eyes and steady myself. I'm totally stupid for doing this. Here's the catch. 

I walk over to the table. As I pass by, everyone stares at me.

"What's up, Lucas?" I ask.

"Dude, call me Luke. Sit down, bro." He pulls out a chair. 

Bro? Since when am I his bro? Last year I was his toilet brush.

"Uh.. are you sure?" I ask. 

"Dude, just sit." A guy with dark skin and black dreads chimes in. 

I frown and sit down next to Lucas. He puts his arm around my shoulder. 

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