39. Tears, Fears and Rain

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"Oh my God!" Loren shrieks as she runs into the living room. 

"What? Did Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart break up again?" I say listlessly. 

"That was like years ago. This is bigger. Sky just texted me. Rose started walking out of nowhere!" 

"No way!" I sit up. 

Dad joins my side just as surprised. 

"Yeah! She just randomly stood up! Look at this!" Loren shows us a photo of Rose holding onto the wall standing. 

"He must be so happy." I smile. 

"He is. Though he sounded a bit weird on the phone." 

"What's wrong?" 

"His dad wrote him a letter. Aron says he's been confused and weird these past few days since reading it." 

"I wonder what it said." 

"Me too. He wouldn't talk about it, though. I hope he's okay. I have to get back to Yale for some school stuff so I won't be able to see him very long.." Loren gives dad a look. 

He ignores her. "How lovely that Rose started walking. Anyway, text me when you reach the airport." He kisses Loren's forehead and disappears up the stairs. 

"That man is so rigid." Loren stares after dad.

"He never used to be this uptight." I sigh. "I wanna hug Sky. He must need it." 

Loren doesn't reply. We're still not exactly okay yet. Though she's not as mad as before. 

"I'm seriously sorry, Loren. It won't happen again." 

"Having sex with my boyfriend? I sure hope not." 

I look into her eyes. She smiles at me. Finally. I smile back. 

She joins me on the couch. "I forgive you. Sky isn't into me and.. I don't think he ever was, so.." She shrugs. "I don't care anymore. I don't have the energy to hate either of you. When Sky's dad passed it really put things into perspective. What if you or him died suddenly? And I was still holding a grudge over something that happened years ago?" She shakes her head. 

That makes me really happy. I lean in for a hug. 

"You're so mature." 

"I know, right?" Loren pulls away.

"So, how was he?" She asks.


"Was he like the best you've ever had?" She teases.

"I am not discussing this with you!" I laugh. 

"Oh, why not! This could be fun!" 

"You're just trying to make me pay." 

"Don't you think I have the right to? Now spill. Rate him from one to ten." She smiles, ready for gossip.

"It happened like years ago, how would I know?" 

"It's a ten isn't it?" She smirks. 

I look out the window a smile curling up on my face. 

"Eleven." I mumble. 

Loren starts to laugh. I laugh with her. 

She wraps her arms around me. "Don't keep secrets from me again, okay? Whatever it is, I can handle it." 

She attacks me with kisses. 

"Gross! Get off me! You're lip-gloss is all sticky." 

She laughs at me. "Good." She rises to her feet. "I'll be back as soon as I can." 

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