22. On God

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"Wait so— Hold on. You're choosing a sixteen year old to be your kid's godfather?" My dad asks outraged. 

It's the day of Rosie's christening. Aron, my mom and I are all getting ready but to my dismay my mom also brought my dad.

"I'm not, Loren is. And honestly, I don't really care." I sigh as I adjust my tie. 

"I can't believe you didn't invite me, I'm your father!"

"Not for long." I mumble. 

"Exactly. Before you know it I will be your dead father. So please, let me meet my granddaughter already!' 

"This is a holy ceremony, remember?"

My dad sighs. 

"Oliver," He makes me look at him. "I promise I'll be good. I just want to meet my granddaughter before I die. That's all."

"Are you seriously guilt tripping me into this?" 

"I'm not, I just—" My dad starts to cough heavily. 

My heart flies into a frenzy. 

"Are you okay?" 

"I'm fine—" More coughing. 

I run to the kitchen for a glass of water.

He's still coughing when I get back. 

"Here," I hand him the glass. 

He drinks the water down fast. 

Dad clears his throat. "Whew. I'm getting old." He chuckles. 

I try to calm down. I thought he was about to drop dead before me. 

"Oliver, I'm fine." He grabs my shoulders and gives me an earnest look. "Don't worry about me."

"How can you say that when you're dying? Why did you wait years only came back when I had no chance to get to know you?"

"Alright, maybe that was a bad call on my part but at least I'm here now! Don't make the mistake of depriving your daughter of meeting her grandpa!" 

I sigh. He has a point there. Not that she'll remember any of this, although that might be a good thing. 

"Fine. You can come."

"Yes!" My dad wraps his arms around me and squeezes me to death.


Aron comes in, smirking at us. "Sorry to disturb you, but we're gonna be late."

I wriggle out of my dad's hold. "You have to hurry." I tell dad.

"I'm ready." 

I frown. He's just wearing a plain white T-shirt, old blue jeans, sneakers and a hat. 

"You can't wear that. Loren will scream if you wear that." 

"Look, there's no time to change. Loren's gonna be angrier if we're late." Aron says. 

My mom comes into the room wearing a light pink dress with matching heels. Her hair's all done up and she's wearing a beautiful pearl necklace. 

"Wow, wow, wow.." My dad walks towards her. Before I know it they're in each others arms making out. 

"Ew, gross!" 

I turn away from them.

"Come on guys, let's go." Aron grabs my hand and leads me out the door. Everyone else follows. 

Angels | Ghosts Of The Past 2 [BoyxBoy] ✓Where stories live. Discover now