35. Dead Eyes

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"So, I'm going over there to help with the funeral and everything." I tell Aron.

"I'm coming with you." He says.

"You don't have to."

"Yes, I do. We're going together." He grabs my hand.

I smile at him.

"Are you okay?" He asks. He looks worried.

"I'm fine. I barely even knew him. I just feel bad for my grandparents. And my mom. She's hurting."

Aron looks puzzled. Maybe he's expecting me to be crying or screaming or something. But after getting over the shock I've just felt normal. 

We're going to Tennessee to help out with the funeral at the end of the week. I'm thinking it might be best if Rose stays with Loren. I've never planned a funeral before so I'm researching how it all works. Aron's watching my every move. He thinks I'm close to breaking but I'm okay. I'm just helping out my family. At least this gives me something to do other than worry about Steven.

My mom's in pieces. She hasn't stopped crying since I told her. She's staying at our place for the time being. 

I go to my mom's room. She's sitting on the bed staring out the window. I sit next to her and wrap my arms around her. 

"I don't understand.." She whispers. She caresses my hand. "I just.." She shakes her head. "This can't be happening." 

"We'll be okay, mom." I kiss her cheek. 

"I should never have let him back into our lives. I just wanted you to know him and now.. All I've brought you is more grief." She cries.

"It's not your fault. Dad is— was like that. You just saw the good in him. And I'm fine. Please don't worry about me." 

She looks into my eyes. "You know you're allowed to cry, right? He was your father." 

"Barely. And I'm sure I'll cry if I have to but I just don't feel all that sad. So please, don't feel sorry for me. I'm okay, mom." 

She smiles at me. "You've really grown up, huh?" She caresses my cheek. "I'm proud of you." 


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These past two weeks have been awful. Loren barely talks to me. Mom can't look me in the eye and dad is watching my every move. I've been missing Sky and Aron like crazy but I'm not allowed to see anyone. If my parents really think I'm suicidal why are they making it worse by isolating me from my friends? All there is to do is homework. I try to sleep but it's really hard. 

I make my way down the stairs for lunch. I'm not hungry but dad forces me to eat. The doorbell rings. 

Human contact!

"I'll get it!" I yell.

My dad swoops in before me. 

I sigh and sit at the top of the staircase. 

I feel like Rapunzel. Locked away in tower. 

"I don't think it's a good idea for you to come here." I hear my dad say. 

"I know you're upset," It's Aron! 

Do you think if I run down the stairs and blast out the door I could escape with him? We'd have to be quick.. 

I sigh. No. That wouldn't be fair. My dad's only trying to help. Though he's really being a dick about it all. 

"But what happened between Chase and Sky happened two years ago! Everyone has long moved on since then!" 

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