18. A Dream

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"Wait, you skipped school?!" 

"I didn't. I skipped class." 

"Chase!" Sky hits my arm. "Your parents are gonna kill me!" 

"They won't! I'll just say you knew nothing about it!" 

"Like they'll buy that!" 

"Look, can we just not talk about that? This is supposed to be our getaway. Good vibes only!" 

Sky sighs and grabs his phone. 

"What are you doing?" 

"Texting your dad. He's probably worried sick." 

"You're always on his side." I pout. 

"Because he's always right." Sky laughs as he continues typing on his phone. 

I stare out the window of the plane. I'm so excited. I'm happy to be away from everyone and finally spend some time alone with Sky. 

"So what are we gonna do when we get there? Shopping? Clubbing? Ooh, we have to go to time square!" 

Sky laughs. "Sure, we'll do whatever you want. You choose." He settles in his seat. 

I grab my phone and start researching all the good places we can go.

After about twenty minutes I've compiled a list.

"Definitely time square and then we'll go to this restaurant, look it has five stars—" 

I stop talking as Sky's head touches my shoulder. He's fallen asleep. On my shoulder. 

I get butterflies in my stomach from that simple touch. 

I lean in and smell his hair. I settle in my seat and lean against his head.

× × ×

It's nighttime when we arrive.

"It's so cold!" Sky says, a little cloud coming from his mouth into the air. 

"Well, what did you expect, it's New York!" I laugh. 

We walk through the snow covered airport.

"Why didn't you bring a coat?" 

"I wanted to, except I was rushed!" Sky gives me a look. "We need to find a store ASAP." 

I take off my coat. "Here, take mine. I'm not that cold anyway." 

"No, Chase, it's freezing." 

"Exactly." I put my coat on him. 

He sighs and calls a cab. 

The whole cab ride we stare out the window at the lively city we're in. A lot of people romanticize LA but.. I like New York way better. Being here just makes me feel hopeful and alive for some reason.

A while later we've made it to the center of it all: Time Square. 

"Wow." We say simultaneously as we step out of the cab.

We look around at the crowded street. Tall buildings surround us and lights flash from every direction. It's stunning. 

I look at Sky and he's just as amazed as I am. I watch the lights of the billboards flash on his face. 

"It never ceases to amaze me how stunning this place is." 

"Yeah, it's unreal." I wanna grab his hand. I know I shouldn't. 

Angels | Ghosts Of The Past 2 [BoyxBoy] ✓Where stories live. Discover now