Paralysis Demon

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Komaeda's body is entirely still as he stares at the dark ceiling above his bed, desperately trying to ignore the shadow in the corner. That strategy was going well for the most part, before the crimson eyes are staring directly at me.

The fluffy-haired boy's body is filled with fear, and the fact that he can't fucking move isn't helping. As the shadowy figure steps out of the corner, coming closer to his bed, peering down at him. It tucks a loose strand of chestnut-coloured hair behind its ear before reaching out and touching Komaeda's cheek.

Komaeda barely manages to suck in a sharp breath, making the demon's eyes widen.

"Don't be afraid!" It urges, "I won't hurt you!"

'I find that hard to believe. . .' Komaeda can't help but comment to himself.

"Don't be like that; I'm telling the truth." The sleep demon huffs, sitting down on the side of his bed.

'Wait. . .can it hear me? It can read my mind?'

The demon rolls his eyes. "Of course I can hear you; do you have a better way for us two to communicate?'

'Wow. . .'

"Anyways, I'm Hinata Hajime. Sorry for meeting under such unfortunate circumstances."

'I. . .I must be insane. But I'm Komaeda Nagito.'

"Not insane," The demon frowns, tapping his nose, "Just lucky. Most people don't get to converse with their sleep demons. Well, mostly because the demons are there to be a menace, not to chat."

'Why are you talking to me then? Go on and be a menace.'

"Well, I was going to. . .but I decided you were too pretty." Hinata admits, "But the rules say I have to be here until you fall back asleep. So I'm saying 'hi.'"

'I didn't know sleep paralysis demons have rules.'

"Mmmhmm. So I'll just be around until you go back to sleep. Shut your eyes, lovely."

Komaeda obeys. 'Will you sing to me then?'

Hinata frowns. "Is. . .that something you really want, Komaeda-kun?"

'Might as well. Sing to me my ang-no, demon of music!'

The brunet rolls his eyes. "Sing once again with me, our strange duet. My power over you, grows stronger yet. And though you turn from me, to glance behind. . .the Phantom of the Opera is there, inside your mind."

'Demon of the Opera.'

"Go to sleep."


    "Yes, my angel of music?"

    'Will you come back tomorrow night?'

   "Maybe. If you go the fuck back to sleep, it's almost morning."

   'Whatever you say.'

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