𝙸𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚕𝚞𝚍𝚎 - 𝚈/𝚗 𝚒𝚗 𝚃𝚘𝚠𝚊 𝙲𝚒𝚝𝚢

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I wrote this for not writing for so long, I will try to write the class trial when I'm done with my school work and when I'm on school vacation.So I hope you guys don't mind. 

Some of Y/n's backstory mentioned. 


Also... uh.. P3D0 Man will be here 





The tall figure stare at the two girls, with a triumphantly smile on her face after defeating a large Monokuma as she walked towards the girls.

"I knew you two could do it without my help" The actress said as she put her hands on her hips as both girls were shock to see the female

"Y/n?! It's a shocking to see you here, the last time we met... You and Toko weren't exactly on good terms" Komaru said 

"Y-you!Why are you here?!" Toko asked "Aren't you supposed to be one with your de-despair friends or whatever...." she continued "I'm... I'm sorry for trying to hurt your friend, now that you mentioned it ever since I have... one to call a friend... I can see why you tried to retrieve them to not only help Komaru's brother but your friends as well...." she mumbled as the h/c let out a chuckle

" Don't worry, it's clearly understable. I'm glad you have someone to call as a friend Toko, you really changed ever since you met Komaru here" Y/n said "And... I'm sorry as well, you were trying to protect Komaru after all..."

"S-so how's your injuries?" Komaru asked as Y/n gave her a glance and looked away, crossing her arms "Hm.. I am quite alright as I am aware, anyway... the reason why I'm actually here was to help you girlies...but it seems like you guys did an amazing job."

As the three girls heard a voice "Y-you're kidding me.... No... Big Bang Monokuma is our Hope...Th-that's... " but the girls ignored it but went towards the green haired child 

"And now its over" Toko spoke first the actress couldn't help but have a sympathetic look at the poor child, even though what the child did was wrong but she knew that she deserved better parents along with the Warriors of Hope. 

"I-it's not over yet... it's not finished yet" Monaca said "This is just... this is just delaying the inevitable!The children are still brainwashed... The adults still want revenge...In fact,they're even more angry, having their hope getting killed like that.So nothing's chan-"

"I mean isn't the adults in the first place did this?" the actress said as she put her hand on her chin as a certain...male look at her at disbelief "Us? how is it our fault when this kids literally kill adu-"

"It is the adults fault because they failed to take care their children properly?simple as that" Y/n looked the Haji with a glare "Children can be easily be manipulated and be easily get bad or good influenced when ever something right before their eyes, aren't adults supposed to be the one who takes care and makes sure that their children behave properly?" Y/n slowly came towards the man and kick him down and step on his chest" Yes... this doesn't change the fact nor it justifies what these kids are doing, but children who get badly treated might snap one day and this proves it. you as an a  adult disgusts me and you're overall existence, so I demand you to shut up before you will be meet by my blade"

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