misery loves company

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This is the worst that could happen to me.
Ever since Dad and I startet to settles down in south park my body does all this crazy shit. Dad said it has to Do with being half human. My body 'reacts to the human environment in human ways'. Basicaly He knows shit about what happens, too. Since I am the only known being created by the Union of a human and a demon, there is No way anyone could help me through this.
I groan, sitting up on my bed. Drowning in thoughts won't make anything better. I swing my legs of the bed and jump off. I rush out of my bedroom and down the stairs. "Damien, what's wrong Boy?" my dad says. "You mean except the crazy shit I am going through?" I say arriving downstairs. "I know It's a little much at the time. Moving up here, puberty and this human stuff, why don't you go and make some friends?" He says, cleaning his hands with the flowered apron He is wearing. "How the fuck could These meatsacks help me with anything?" I say through gritted teeth while my hands form fists. "Maybe they can. In south park live many children your age. They may understand more of what you are going through than I Do. Your puberty is more different than any other growing demon." I growl. "Yeah I get what you are saying. On the Other hand, These humans are boring. Their short existence is meaningless." my dad sighs. "Just try it. Today is saturday, so the Kids should be somewhere out there." I groan. "Alright but for doing so we get Pizza for dinner." I say as I open the door and walk out. I can hear my dad laugh through the door.

I have been walking for a while when I hear laughter. Rounding the corner a Group of Boys comes into view. A fat Boy and someone with a orange parka sit on a bench while two Boys stand in Front of them. The Boy with a green hat and the fat guy argue while the Other two laugh. Then the one with the blue hat notices me and waves me over. Oh greate, but I gave dad a promise so if I Talk to them I can tell dad that I tried. Walking over their voices Form words. "Why would you wave that weird guy over, Marsh?" The fat guy whisper yells. "He is New, maybe He doesn't know anyone." Is he pitying me? How dare He?! "Leave it be fatass. You just don't understand a act of kindness." The one with the green hat yells, wearing a slight blush on his face. "New things always Lead to something interesting in south park." The fourth mumbles. As I stand next to the one with the blue hat I notice that He and the one with the green hat share a similarity in their smell.
"Hi, I'm Damien." I say introducing myself. They introduce themselfs as 'Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Eric'. While Stan talks about their Plans for today I notice Kenny staring at me. "What's your Deal Kenny?" I say harshly. "Am I the only one seeing this?" He says, pointing next to me. That's Actualy interesting. "What are you talking about Idiot?" Eric barks. "Yes. Yes you are. But there is a reason. Why don't you walk with me So I can explain?" I offer. Kenny nods, seemingly interested and worried. The other three atempt to follow us but before I could tell them to sit, Kenny raises a hand. "I need to Talk to him alone. I will catch up to you Guys later." Without another Word He turns around and Starts walking. His friends look at me but I shrug and follow him. Now that we leave the Group I smell smoke and death on him.
We walked for about ten minutes until He asks. "How come I am the only one seeing that tail?" I grin. "I am the son of Satan. My demonic features are hidden from mortal eyes. You must have experienced death." Kenny looks at me and sighs. "Yes, many times. I am cursed to wake up After death. Like, I would get Run over by a car, and I know I am dead, but the next morning I wake up in my bed as if nothing happened. No one ever remembers me dieing." After He Said that He pulls his hood down. Kennys face is covered in scars from some of his deaths. "So I asume they can't See These scars either?" He chuckles. "That's right." Then He sighs and pulls his hood back up. "What brings the son of Satan to south park?" Now It's my turn to sigh. Kenny is just a meatsack, yet his connection to death gives me a feeling of familiarity. "Dad brought me here. We moved to this place partialy becouse some things started happening to me. But I don't want to Talk about it to some random meatsack." "Fair enough." We reach a playground Where a lonely blonde kid sits on the swing. The kid looks up at us. Their blue eyes pirce through me So that my heart stings. These clear eyes are puffy, the cheeks red and wet and some of the shoulder length hair sticks to it. Even though this small individual looks the saddest I have ever Seen, they force themself to smile brightly. A smile that just can't reach the wet eyes. I inhale sharply, noticing a faint smell of blood and salt. I turn away, walking straight forward. I barely notice that Kenny waved the kid. Kenny catches up with me. "What's wrong? Is pip too innocent for a demon to handle?" He laughs. I say nothing, unable to as I try to make sense of what happened to me. Was it innocence? It is true that pure good things trigger the instincts to back away, but is it that? I have never heard of a human, pure enough, to trigger that. "Wait, realy? Is that kid this innocent?" kennys jaw drops. I slow down and look at him. "It never happened that a meatsack triggered a demon to back away." I answer. Kenny looks shocked but nods.
I agreed to give him my number. He seems interesting for a human. Maybe his strings to death also tie him to me in some way.
At home I told my dad about him. He seems to know something about Kenny but refuses to tell me. I didn't mention that kid on the swing. Even though I don't want to be near them, something pulls me to them. I want to know more about the blonde.

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