a demons nature

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This whole place smells of old books. It's Not greate but It's Not Bad either. "What Kind of book are you looking for?" Phillip asks. Going down the row of books I mumble my answer. "Something demonic." Two heartbeats go by until Philipp giggles. "So you are interested in demons? I know this place pretty well. Follow me." He is neither shocked nor scared. I feel reliefe wash over me. Following him I notice that the library decorated the section with LED candles and fake spider webs. An interesting choice. Philipp raises his arm and motions down a shelf of books. "All of These have a demonic theme." He says.  I nod and look at the books. After too much time I find a book that seems to have some of the answers I am looking for. I take it and sit down at a table. Slowly I flip through the pages.
I went through six chapters until I finaly find something that could help; a humans theory about demons nature.

Creatures of hell get drawn to humans of pure nature.
In China people believe in the conzept of 'yin&yan'. This believe is thousands of years old. There can Not be good without evil, there can Not be evil without good. The greater the evil the greater the good that it atracts.
So this could mean that a demon with evil heritage or Power might atract a human that balances out the evil with their good or pure nature. Like magnets These individuals would be pulled towards each other.
That does Sound familiar. I have a feeling I found what I have been looking for. But I read more.
It's debateable if this conzept could be interpreted in a romantic way. Anyway, many authors romanticised this under the saying 'oposites aract'.

I never considered falling in love. After all, being a mixed creature I have No place in hell nor on earth. Heaven is out of the question. So I don't belong anywhere.
I need to think about that. I look up and notice Philipp staring at me. "Is there something on my face?" He jumps. "N-no! I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean to be rude!" His cheeks turn a bright Red color. I can't stop the small smile, so I don't bother. "D-did you find what you were looking for?"
"I think so. But I need to think about it. I'll walk you home if you want." His face is a mixture of worry, fear and happyness. And there is this scent I don't know again. "I-I'd love that."

After walking Philipp home I make my way towards the only one I could Talk to. Kenny McCormick.
I only knock once and the door flys open. "I said No free drugs, Peter! Oh- who are you?" A woman stands in front of me. "I am Kennys friend. Is he home?" It feels weird using this Word. She shrugs and makes room for me to go Inside. "I know Where his room is. Thank you." Without knocking I walk in but as soon as I Do my jaw drops. The smell I don't know hits me like a brick Wall.
Kenny is on his bed, under him is a small blonde Boy who is blushing furiously. Kenny is in between the legs of the smaller one who is wearing only underwear and a shirt. Kenny holds the other down with one Hand while touching the bare stomach with his Other hand. "You know, rape gets you into hell right?" I say finaly. Kenny chuckles and releases his victim. "You know damn well I couldn't possibly go to hell. Damien, this is Butters." The smaller sits up, pulling down his shirt. "H-hello. I-I'm Leopold Stotch." He doesn't look at me and holds on to Kennys arm. "Leo, Damien is a friend. What gives me the pleasure, demon." I sigh. "You are the only one I could think of. You need to explain to me what love is." I say walking in his room and clossing the door. Kenny raises an eyebrow at me, then looks at Butters and back at me. "Yeah, I'm sorry for interupting." Kenny giggles. "Nah It's Fine. We will continue later. Right Leo?" Butters blushes deeply and hides behind Kenny. "So, love heh? There are Actualy a lot of ways to love another person. It could be a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person. Or a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection, as for a parent, child, or friend. And there is..." He turns around and looks at Butters."...sexual passion or desire." Kenny smirks as Butters throws himself on the bed and covers with the blanket. "But how Do I know It's one and Not the other?" frustrated I cross my Arms. "The first often leads to the third. If you want to spent your life with someone, you also want to hold them close and touch them. You want to be the only one they look at." Kenny pats the blanket Where Butters head is. "But tell me, who is the lucky one? It's Pip, isn't it?" again He smirks. "I don't know. I can relate to a lot you Said but I am unsure if I am even able to love." Suddenly Butters pokes his head out. "Bullshit! You say you relate to what Kenny said, then clearly you are in love! Do you want to kiss him?" This took me by surprise. As Kenny laughes about Butters outburts, thoughts and Images Run through my head. Kiss Phillip? I remember how his lips look so soft. "Ok then imagin someone else kissing him. Does that Ring a Bell?" I try but I feel my blood boil. I'd hate that. Very, Very much.
My eyes widen in realisation and I grab my hair with my hands. "Oh god Kenny! I love Philipp!"

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