through the disguise

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"You will need to come to the Police Station tomorrow. Since there are so many crimes we need to investigate, your Statement will be important."  I nod. "Yes, Sir" The officer turns to Philipp who is sitting next to me. I Held his Hand through the whole convention. "Do you have some place to stay or Do we need to call CPS?" He doesn't answer nor does He react in any other way. "He can stay with me and my father." The Police guy looks sceptical. "After all He has been through I am Not sure if that is a good idea." "No! I... want to be with Damien..."

I carried Phillip home. He wasn't able to walk properly. My father asked questions but I told him I'd Talk to him later. Philipp looked horrified, hiding behind me. That's Not how I wanted Phillip to meet my dad.
As He sits down on my bed I close the bedroom door behind me. "W-what is this? What...are you?" I blink at him.
"Eh, what excactly...?" He groans. " I mean everything! The fire, the floating, the horns and tail and bloody Satan in your house!" "You saw? You can See that?" He slaps his Hand on his forehead. That's the rudest gesture I have Seen him make so far. Oh god am I corrupting him?! "Since when can you see?" I ask. "Since the k-kiss..." He blushes and looks to the side. Phew, I didn't corrupt him yet.
"Ah. Must be my saliva. You won't See that for long, I think." "That doesn't change the fact that It's there. But why is it?" Wow He is stubborn. "Phillip I haven't told you everything about me." "You don't say!" Was that sass? Oh shit that's sexy. I walk over to him, take his hands in mine and sit next to him on my bed. "Phillip, I am half demon. Satan is my father." I look in his deep blue eyes and get lost in their dephs. A flood of emotions roll over These eyes. Hesitantly He begins to pull his hands away and fear strikes me. But then He leaves them be and I relax a bit. "I...don't know what to say..." I sigh. "I dont expect you to react in any way right now. I just want you to know, that my feelings for you are real. I will Do whatever I can to help you work through this mess. That is, if you want me to." At first there is No reaction but then He nods slowly. "Would you like to take a shower or a bath while I help my dad to make dinner?" Again He nods. "But... I dont have any clothes." "You get something from me." So I stand up and go through my clothes in my closet. I give Phillip a shirt, underwear and pj Shorts, then he leaves my room for the bathroom. "Just use my Products. They are on the left shelf." I say through the closed door and walk down the stairs.
My father is cooking dinner in the kitchen. "Sit down and tell me everything." I sigh and start at the beginning. I tell him how I met Philipp the first time, the bullys, the feelings, everything leading up to yesterday. "After He told me that I let him cry himself to sleep. The next morning After you confronted me about him in my bed, He explained some more and I couldn't stand all These feelings anymore. So I told Phillip that I loved him. Aparently He feels the Same...or felt. One thing let to another and his stupid pig of a father Said He had to get stuff if He wanted to sleep here. I went with him and that guy threatened to hurt Philipp more. My instincts took over and I accidentaly Set that guy on fire. It escalated and to calm me down Philipp kissed me. So as we came home, He saw through your disguise." "How you explained the whole thing is a whole New mess on It's own but I guess I managed to figure some things out." He sighs. "Why didn't you talk to me, Damien?" I look down at the table. "I didn't think you would understand. Hell, I didn't even understand myself."
There is a long Moment of silence.
"So, I want him to stay here." "I don't know about that. Right now you decide based on emotions alone." I am getting frustrated with him. "He has nowhere else to go! It's my fault. If I had better control of myself I could have just... I don't know. I could have done things differently. I need to make it up to him." My father's face is Hard to decifer. He takes a long time, seemingly considering different outcomes until he answers. "Well, this kid seems to have some Kind of influence on you. The way you slowly begin to change is plesant. After all, a heartless dictator is Not what hell needs. I know I have my flaws and I already managed to change over the years, but I can't become an entire New being. That is where your future will be. I want you to make things better than me. For the dead, for the living and for the otherwordly beings." I sigh. "I-isn't this too much pressure?" I turn around to see Philipp, wearing my shirt that is hanging of his shoulder on one side, standing in the doorway. "Phillip! I uh, how much...?" "Uhm since He talked about a dictator?" He nervously plays with the shirt. I stand up to walk towards him and Put both hands on his Arms. "I would have told you about...what I am. But things happened so quickly. And...I am sorry that I caused this Situation for you." His left hand comes up to my face and he slowly shakes his head. "What He  did had nothing to Do with you. And you were angry and worried for me. You are caring, that's nothing to be sorry for." His soft smile melts all fear away so I lean in his touch. Then my father sighs heavy behind me. "You can stay here, at least until we figured out what comes next. That is, if you would like to." I look back at Phillip. "I'd like you to stay." Now Phillip is the one who sighs. "You still have a lot explaining to do. But... There is No place I'd rather be." Phillip steps closer and leans in as He pulls my head down. The Moment our lips meet my stomach turns and twists in a good way. My Arms wrap around him and pull him even closer.
This is my personal piece of heaven.

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