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While walking through the hallways of the school I felt a lot eyes on me. Yeah a New face with all Black clothes sure does stand out but this is just rude and annoying. I stop at some classroom and Check to make sure It's the right one. Then I walk in and instantly hate the mixture of so many peoples smell. I give the teacher the paper. "Thank you. Class, this is our New Student, Damien Thorn. Please tell us something about yourself, Damien." The teacher says. "I moved to south park with my father a week ago. I play the guitar and hate annoying people blah blah. That's enough right? I will just sit down at the empty seat." That's more than enough information for These meatsacks. I sit down next to a girl with red hair which smells of fake vanilla and hormones, her period. She stares rudely at me the whole time. After class is over I walk out of the room and feel weird. My instincts pull me down the hallway and into a bathroom. I emidiately See the tallest bully from yesterday pinning Philipp against the wall while preparing to hit him. I smell fear and blood. They Both face me and in a matter of seconds so many things happen at once. The bullys face turns white while Philipp blushes. And I get this now familiar feeling of wrath, my blood almost boils. I take a step closer, which is the Moment the bully does the smartest Action. He releases Philipp and steps back. I place myself in Front of Philipp, facing the other. "I say this just one time, so Listen carefully." I step closer while He steps back, violently nodding his head. "Don't. Ever. Touch. Him. Again." I grab his shirt and pull him closer. "understood?" I growl. "Y-yes, Yes! P-please don't hurt me!" I push this pathetic meatsack back and turn around. I throw an arm around Philipps shoulder and Lead him outside. The hallways are empty. Seems like classes already started. We walk around, stopping at a bench in the hallway. He sits down so I follow. "Th-thank you D-Damien." He says looking at his lap. I can't answer. What should I say? 'You're welcome', 'no problem'? That doesn't feel right. I don't even know why I Do this. Something Inside of me forces me near Philipp. Something Inside of me gets so angry by anything that involves him. I don't understand it and I hate that. "I realy am thankful. B-but may I ask... W-why did you help me. I didn't even know you until yesterday." He never looked up at me. "I don't know to be honest. I...just felt like I had to step in, I guess." I sigh. "W-well, I am greateful and... I'd like to be f-friends with you. I'd hate it to have you walk out of my life again. I-I mean...I could make it up to you even if thatisimposiblesince thereisnow-wayIcou-" Oh god I can't understand him anymore. Somehow this is as annoying as it is cute. Maybe I can figure my shit out if I continue seeing him, since all this has somehow something to Do with him.
I grab Philipps chin and force him to finaly look at me. His face is a deep shade of red. His lips look pink in contrast to his skin. "Yeah, let's be friends. It seems like I just can't get away from you anyway." His eyes widen and the colore reaches his ears. I can hear his heart pounding fast and his smell changes slightly to a mixture of sweat and something that I noticed on Stan and Kyle. "You are hot." Is what I say. He doesn't need to know about my demonic abilitys. "I-I-I- oh god!" Philipp turns his head away from me. "I-I am Fine. Thank you."
What a weird kid.

At Lunch I sit at a table alone. While eating I look around. People are seperated in different groups. After spotting Kenny He waves. Stan and Kyle pick up on their friends gesture and do the Same. I return it and turn around again. They are ok. The fat kid smells like Adolf H. so I don't like him. That guy is a pain in the ass.
A scent pulls me out of my thoughts. The one I don't know. I look up and See Where it comes from. Two Guys, one with a blue hat and a blonde walk by my table. The blonde holds on to the others arm. They laugh and then, they kiss. That must be a clue. So this scent must be some Kind of pheromone that humans release. Is it for Sex? Maybe it is to lure the other in. But no one else seems to notice, so It's Not an aphrodisiac. Demons are much more easy to read. Why are stupid meatsacks so complicated?
"D-Damien, is everything alright?" Phillip sits down next to me. I look at him and watch as his cheeks turn red. Weird. I sigh. "Yeah. Hey give me your Phone. I'll give you my number." "R-realy?" Suddenly his eyes sparkle which makes my heart skip a beat. "Yeah. That's what friends Do, right? Also if you need me, you can contact me." Phillip gives me his Phone without looking at me. Is that an atempt to hide his blush? Failed miserabely. As I Safe myself in his contacts I think of what I just Said. Also if you need me, you can contact me. Why the fuck did I say that? That something Inside of me, that instinct, it forces those words out.
But I feel like, if He did contact me, I wouldn't hesitate.

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