Chapter 22

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Thank you alllll soooo so so so much from the bottom of my heart!


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Phe is in her highchair finishing up her dinner. I waited almost two hours for Jimmy to come home for dinner and he hasn't I throw things on a plate for Jimmy and I put things in the fridge without a cover.

I didn't stand down and cook for no reason. I sloppily do the dishes and slam cabinets closed.

"Mommy. That's loud." I sigh and turn around and lean against the counter.

"Mommy's sorry. She's just upset because daddy isn't home yet."

"I sorry mommy."

It's not her fault that her father can't even call me or send me a text telling me that he isn't going to be coming home today, or at least right now.

How irrisponsable can he be sometimes I swear!

I bath Phe, I read her a story and put her to bed. I sigh realizing that Jimmy probably isn't coming home tonight an I climb in bed myself. Tonight is the first time in weeks that I cry myself to sleep. Not because my son is dead...but because I feel further away from my husband then I ever had before.

Jimmy's POV

She's pregnant?

Oh God?

She can't be...

It's just too soon...

How could we be so stupid?

How could she be so stupid?

After walking in on the girls and hearing them discuss this, I went straight to the bar. I knew I shouldn't have went home for my drumsticks. I mean I have plenty at the studio I didn't need the other.

I drank until I couldn't see straight. That is when I ran into Leana. She smelled so good and I missed her so much.

I don't remember a thing. All I rememeber is going home with her, and now waking up beside her. Naked.

One thing I do remember is our conversation about Lexi and her pregnancy.


"L..Leana..I don't know what to do. We just lost Ayden and now Lexi is pregnant again. How can she be so stupid."  She held my hand and rubbed it then looked at my face.

"Well, Jimmy I know you're hurting but she is have to think of this baby, as a good thing. The baby isn't replacing Ayden, because he's always going to have a place right here.-" she places her hand on my chest where my heart is.

"But this new baby is a gift, to fill the void of losing Ayden."

I nod at her response and kiss her hand. She is right. I just don't know how to process it all.

It all happened to fast. I can't imagine having another son without thinking of him as second best because Ayden...he should still be here, sharing each day with us.

"I..I know...but it still hurts hurts so bad." I feel the tears in the cornor of my eyes and wipe them away just as quick as they came.

"It's going to get easier I promise Jim. But you have to be there for Lexi and Phe...You shouldn't be her talking about this with me. You should be talking about this with your wife..."

I don't know why, but I shut her up by kissing her lips. And she didn't stop me. I licked her bottom lip and she granted me entrance. Our tongues were dancing with each other.

*End of Flashback*

I am such a horrible husband.

I can't believe that once again I cheated on my wife.

I check my phone.

10 missed calls from Lexington.

14 New Text Messages.

4:00pm Lexington: Hey when are you coming home? We need to talk. Dinner at

4:30pm Lexington: Jimmy? Are you ignoring me?

4:45pm Lexington: Okay well call me if you get this. I am making your favorite. Meatloaf, mashed potato cakes, and carrots with honey.

5:00pm Lexington: Matt called said you never made it to the studio! Where the fuck are you?!

5:15pm Lexington: JAMES OWEN SULLIVAN!! I know you better answer me!! *She's using my full name...she's pissed.*

I didn't finish reading the texts...I know she's mad at me. I need to get home and apologize and pray that she never ever finds out about tonight.



 I wake up in the morning and Jimmy is sound asleep beside me. Still pissed as hell at him, I climb out of bed and take a shower. After showering I dress in yoga pants and a tank top. I think I am going to go for a run. Defeats the purpose of a shower, but I don't care...I tend to do stupid shit when I am pissed.

I grab my ipod after making sure the baby monitor is by Jimmy's side of the bed in case Phe wakes up and needs jimmy.

I turn on Blood On The Dance Floor, and start jogging around the block just trying to forget everything. Think about everything.

The sun starts rising and it starts getting hotter which causes me to slow down a little bit.

I hate the heat.

I continue to jog for another hour and then head home.

Running up my steps I stop when I see the enquire sitting on my porch, the front cover reads.

A month after his son's death Jimmy turns to Leana Silver for support.

Pissed I squeeze the magazine in my hand and storm in the house. Jimmy and Phe are in the kitchen eating breakfast.

"Mommy." I ignore Phe and slam the paper on the table.

"What the hell Jimmy?!"

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