Chapter 24

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Love love love, all your comments and Votes.

I am under the impression that some of you want to shoot me....?

Well...would this really be my story if I made Jimmy a constant good Guy?

COmment and Vote loves! <3

"What the hell Lexington! Call us back!!! Jimmy was just arrested for something I know he would never do! What happened? What did you do?!!"

I listen to the voice mail over and over again. The entire group was yelling at me in that voice mail...I didn't want Jimmy to get arrested...but I had to get Phe, to the hospital.. I don't know what to do.

They gave Phe some pain medicine and put her leg in a cast. She has to keep it on for a month. She is really drousey right now. I place her in the car seat in the back of my car and drive to the police station. I have to fill out paper work and then they will let me see Jimmy before they take him to the California State Prison in Sacramento.

A officer comes to my car and waits there with Phe because I didn't want to wake her or even bring her in to see her father this way.

"Mrs. Sullivan. We need you to fill out some forms before we let you back to see Mr. Sullivan. First we need you to file a restraining order-" I cut her off.

"First...I would've never said anything about what Jimmy did to me, if I didn't have to take My daughter to the hospital because she got hurt too. Second...he's never done this before, and I highly doubt that he'd ever do it again. So no. No I will not file a restraining order...He'll serve his time...and then he can come home to me."

She glares at me.

"Don't you glare at me! I am the Victim! I am the one that makes the decisions! Not you!"

I fill out all the papers that I have to fill out and then a guy officer takes me back to the holding cells so that I can see Jimmy. I wanted to go into the cell with Jimmy for a few minutes, but because I am pregnant...I can't.

We go through several bars before I see Jimmy. My heart breaks seeing him in an orange jumpsuit.

"Jimmy!" I run to the bars and stick my head through as best as I can.

"Lexi! I am so sorry. I am so sorry baby. I didn't mean to hit you." I place my hands on each side of his face. I lean my forehead against his.

"I know, Jimmy. I am sorry. I am going to try to get you out of here, I promise." I kiss his lips as tears slide down my cheeks.

"I love you baby. Don't ever forget that."

"I love you to Jimmy."

The officer pulls me away from Jimmy's cell as they come to take him to the state prison, where I can't visit him for a month until things are taken care of.

I go to my car thank Officer Roberts, for watching Phoenix and I drive home. Everyone cars are parked in my drive way and they are all on the porch.

I sigh, I really don't want to deal with any of their bull shit right now. I just want to put my daughter to bed and go to bed myself.

"Lexington!! Why haven't you called us back?!" Syn yells.

"Oh my God! He actually hit you!" The girls say when they see my face.

I shake my head and get Phoenix out of the car.

Max throws a fit when she sees Pheonix's leg in a cast and she is sleeping against my shoulder. She quickly comes and takes her from me.

"Look...please don't make a big deal out of this. I am tired. Phe is tired and in pain...I just want to go to bed okay."

"Big Deal? Look at your face and your daughters leg!" Weds yells, Zacky tries to calm her down, their daughter fusses.

"Okay...maybe its a big deal, but Jimmy is in the California State Prison in Sacramento, and now I just want to forget everything that has happened. Your all more then welcomed to stay here, but I am going to bed. Max...carry her to my room will you?"

"Sure." She Carry's her to my room.

I grab a water and a juice for her if she wakes up and I climb the steps to my room, everyone makes themselves comfortable in my living room and spare rooms, for the night. We have a lot a head of us...and I don't know how to deal with it.

This is truly the shittiest year I have had ever!

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