Chapter 14

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Sex scenes~~~

I fixed it so hopefully it won't be private now. :)

Jimmy's recovery has been a tough one. He has had his good moments and his bad ones. It hurt that he didn't want to sleep in the same room as me. He said that if he slept in the same room as me it would be like sleeping with a stranger and he didn't want to do it. 

The guys and girls would come over everyday and try to help him remember, and he was slowly he started going to the studio with the guys, it was amazing at how much he remembered his music. It made me smile to see him so happy. 

Phe, has been telling him story's about her days at school and the way he looks at her with love and adoration. That's what I love the most. I miss that he doesn't smile at me, or kiss me or hold me the way he used too...hell I am lucky to even get a hug from him. 

I hate to say this but I honestly think that if I left him, he'd be free to do what he wants to do, and he wouldn't have to worry about remembering me. And if he did remember me and he still wanted me, then I would come running back to him with open arms.

Because never fear my love for JAMES SULLIVAN is more real then anyone would ever know.


 I found a hotel room that I could stay in for a little while. I pack mine and Phe's things and load my car up. I sit down at the kitchen table with a pen and a piece of paper and think about what I am going to say to Jimmy in the note. I don't...I can't say good-bye to his face. It will just tear me apart to much.

My dearest James,

I have never loved someone as much as I love you. It kills me that you can't remember me. That was my biggest fear when you got hit, and it hasn't let me down. The way you look at Lenna...that's the way you used to look at me. So it hurts. I have decided that I am going to leave you here to do as you please. I don't like being in a house with you that you bring another woman home too...when I should be the woman in your bed.  

We should be getting married by now and having another baby. But that's long gone. I can only hope that one day you will remember me  and all the good times along with the bad times that we had together, and the memories of why you love me come back. 

I won't keep Phe from you, since she is attached to you and you love her, even if you can't remember that she is your daughter. 

Please don't forget that I love you with all my heart, and I am willing to let you go hoping that one day I will get you back.

Love Always,


After writting the letter I sit it on the table and grab Phe. We head to the hotel room. I lay phe on the couch and turn cartoons on for her while I sit in the bed browsing the internet on my laptop. Phe cried the entire way here when I told her that we were leaving for a little.

I feel like a horrible mother. Twice now I have taken her from her father. I just...We just need time apart. This should be good for us. I hope.

*************JIMMYS POV************

I quickly stick the key in the door lock, leanna still kissing my neck I moan, I can't get the door open fast enough. Lexi's car is gone, I know she isn't home. Finally the door opens and we rush inside. I slam the door shut and slam Leanna into it. I roughly kiss her lips, and then move down to her neck.

She moans my name...God I love that. I quickly take her shirt off and start sucking her breasts I pull her nipple inbetween my teeth, and her moans increase. She pushes me off of her and starts running up the steps undressing as she goes. 

I groan and do the same thing. I catch her at the top of the steps, once in the bedroom I toss her on the bed and she giggles.

"Mmm, Jimmy fvck me." I don't waste anytime plunging my fully errect hard shaft into her tight wet womanhood. She groans out in pleasure and arches her back, giving me perfect access to her breasts.

I hold her legs above her head and slam into her groaning. She moans louder as I hit the right spots, I drop my head and suck her nipples gently pulling on them, as I keep my thrusts. "God baby you feel so good."

I say as I pound into her as deep as I can, the bed starts creeking. I flip her over and she rides my shaft. I place my hands behind my head and watch her take control of my shaft. I close my eyes, and moan.

"Mmm..Lex-" I stop my self, the fvck did that come from?

"What did you just say?" Leanna stops and looks down at me. Such a bonner killer.

"Nothing babe."

"No..No it's not nothing You were about to say lexington!" She climbs off of me.

"No, babe please don't do this...don't leave me."

"I can't believe this. I knew this was too good to be true, I will never live in a world where that bitch doesn't exsist in." 

She says as she gets dressed. I watch her from the top of the steps. She leaves not without slaming the door. I drag my hand down my face. 

"ugghhhhhH!!!" I punch the wall. Fuck that hurt. 

I walk down the steps putting on my boxers. I can't do anything without thinking about Lexi. I really think my memories of her are starting to come back to me. I hate to hurt her, she's been nothing but sweet to me. 

I turn on the kitchen light, I see a peice of paper and a ring on the table I pick up the note and read it. I drop to my knees, at the thought of her taking my daughter away from me. I love that little girl so much. I hold lexis engagement ring in my hand. I fumble around for my phone, finding it I call her.

"Hi. This is Lexi, sorry you missed me. Leave me a message and I'll give you a call back." Fuck A voice mail!

"Lexi, it's Jimmy, please...please don't do this to me again...come home with Phe, don't take her from me. Call me back...Please." I press the end button tears in my eyes.

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