Chapter 27

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I am aware that I have some missing chapters, truth is there not missing I just can't count. Ha!

More Drama is coming! Hope you are just enjoying all the twists and turns that I have in this story. It has been a great pleasure for me to write this story for you. I was thinking about writing a Sequel, but I am not really sure if I want to do that I haven't decided. What do you guys think?

Comments and Votes Love you all!


*3 Months later*

  Today I am six months pregnant, I am having another boy, and the best part is he is healthy. I have done everything that I could to make sure of that too. I have talked to Jimmy every single day that I could and I really miss him too.

  He is coming home today so we are throwing a welcome home party for him. I am so excited. I invited everyone.

Weds, Zacky and Logan. Charles and Matt, Midge and Johnny, Sabal and Jason, Crystal and Brian, My mom and dad, his mom and dad(unfortunately), Max and Matt Berry, Johnny Gera and his wife, and a bunch of other friends of the guys.

While everyone is setting up, I am trying to get my three hours of rest in before Jimmy gets here and we start the party.

Crystal and Brian are getting married in June now, and they asked Jimmy to be the Best Man. I have been helping Crystal plan her wedding as best as I can. We never really got along that well, but when it comes down to it.

I love her. She is the greatest girl in the world. She is perfect for Brian and she makes him happy. I couldn't ask for anything better then that.

Johnny and Midge are having their first baby soon. I am hoping that it is a little girl so that Phe will have someone else to play with as soon as the baby gets a little older. Johnny is going to make a great dad.

Weds and Zacky are trying for there second baby.

Charles and Matt are working on getting married, and possibly starting a family. Sabal...well Sabal and Jason they are pregnant!! We never thought our roadies would be fathers.

Max and Matt Berry are finally dating. We knew that would happen sooner or later. It happened later but that's besides the point.

Tired of laying in bed and not being able to sleep, I put shorts on and a tank top and go downstairs to join everyone. Phe runs to me and gives me a hug and goes back to helping her pappy do whatever it is that he was doing.

"Hey prego. How are you feeling?" I glare at Johnny.

"I am feeling really good today, I just, I just can't wait to see Jimmy..that's all." I sit beside Midge.

"You should really watch what you call her you know! I am pregnant too." I giggle as she throws her napkin at him.

He chuckles and dodges the napkin that ended up hitting Brian in the back of the head.

"The fuck?" He chuckles and turns around.

"Sorry Syn!" she laughs, and takes a sip of her water.

That's one thing that I hate about being pregnant; you can't drink wine, you can't drink coffee or soda, I can't drink my tea or even a decent beer.

Orange Juice, or Milk, or water. That's what I get to drink.

"Mommy! Daddy's here!" Phe yells excitedly.

Everyone cheers and yells at Jimmy and greets him as he comes in the back gate his parents right behind him.

"Hey man! Glad you're home!" Jason says.

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