Chapter 2

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     I decided to keep the father of my baby a secret. My mom is so against this. She wants to know who he is because she said that he needs to be around. I told her that I didn't want him to know because I didn't want his future ruined and in turn she threw in my face that my future is ruined because of him.

      I have been hanging out with the guys and girls lately mostly because I don't want to be alone. I am in my early stages of my pregnancy. I am due in the spring. I am hoping that I have a little girl, but my mom said that it would be nice to have a little boy running around. A mini Br- Nevermind!

     Today is my doctors apointment to find out my definant due date and to get my medicine and crap like that. My mom has to work so Mrs. Haner said that she would gladly take me to my doctors appointment. That's probably because her and my mom are best friends and she is going to try to find out who my babys father is....If she only knew...

     I put on a plan white t-shirt and skinny jeans and my black flats. I am sure that I won't be wearing my skinny jeans for long. Ugh. The door bell rings I run down the steps Zeke my very hyper pit bull lab mix starts barking.

"Chill Zeke it's just Mrs. Haner." He sits beside me as I answer the door.

"Hello Mrs. Haner." I smile at her.

"Hello Lexi. Are you ready to go?"

"Yep give me to seconds to grab my purse and lock up."

"Alright I will be at the car hunnie."

   I grab my purse and make sure that everything is off. I lock up the door throw my keys in my bag and run to the car. I climb in and we head to the OBGYN. We made small talk, and she was trying to hint around about me telling her who the father of the baby is.

Boy wouldn't she like to know.

  She pulls into the parking lot and I go ahead of her inside to check in and fill out papers.

"Hi hunnie. How can I help you today." She gives me a polite smile.

"Hi, My name is Lexington Kelchner, I have an appointment at 12:30 today to see how far along I am and find out all the other stuff." I say. She smiles.

"Okay sweetie. You look pretty young to be having a baby."

I hate when I hear that.

"I am Seventeen. I just graduated high school. I wish that I could say that I don't want the baby but. I am glad that I am pregnant." She nods.

"Fill these out and then bring them back I will let them know that you are here. Have a seat." 

  I walk over and sit beside Suzy. I sigh and start filling out the papers. It was asking for the normal information my date of birth my social security, my address, my phone number, the name of my parents, the day the intercourse the hell am I supose to know that? So I just guessed. The fathers name.... Yea...I left that blank. Once I finishe writitng that I took it up to the lady and then sat back down.


"hmm?" She says not looking up from the magazine that she is reading.

"So..I am really scared about this. I know nothing about being a mother..."

"Oh hunnie. This is expected of first time mothers. And your so young. Don't worry you have so many people who will help you threw many people. And your friends they are so wonderful. I couldn't be happier that my step- son has some balance in his life."

"Well thanks." I say wiping my eyes. My hormones are so out of wack.

  They finally call me back. They weigh me, and the nurse takes all my vitals she asks me how I am feeling and then they draw some blood for a few tests. Because my blood is A- they give me a shot so that I don't get sick and so that the baby doesn't get sick. We are waiting for the doctor to come in and give me an ultra sound. I am really excited to see my baby even if it doesn't really look like a baby yet.

"Hi there Miss. Kelchner. I am Dr. Sanders and I hear that we are going to be taking a look at your baby today." She smiles. Matts Mom. How wonderful.

"Yep." I said popping the "P".

"Okay hun lay back for me and lift your shirt." I do as she asks. She takes this towel like thing and tucks it in my pants and then gets the gelly stuff and squeezes it on my belly. I gasp at how cold it is.

"Sorry darling. Now your going to feel a little pressure until I find the baby." I nod as she moves the thingy around until she see a little blip.

"Ah, there it is..." I smile.

"From the size of the baby sweetie you look to be about Three months pregnant...Which would make you due, in April. The 14th." She smiles at me as she keeps moving things around. The baby keeps moving.

I smile looking at my little blip mine and S- My little blip.

"Dr. it too early to tell what sex I am having?"

"Yes just a little too early in about two months when You come back you will be able to know the sex of the baby." She wipes the gook off of my belly.


   I sit on my bed in my room and I look thru my photo album looking at photos of me and the guys way back in middle school and high school. I smile thinking about all the fun that I have had with the guys in the time that I have known them. My dad cheated on my mom and then she left him. She met my step-dad Tom and he adopted me because he hated that I had my dads last name. At the time i didn't really care, and I still don't.

  There is a picture of all of us at the beach. I am sitting on Brians lap and he is kissing my check as I am pulling Jimmys hair as he tries to grab Max, Max is sitting on Matts lap who is sitting on Charles lap, Zacky is holding Wednesday bridal style while Johnny frowns MB is coming up behind Johnny ready to attack him as JB is acting like he is scared. Our parents thought that it was the funniest photo in the world so the took it, and gave one to all of us kids in a frame for christmas.

   I sigh wishing that I could just join my friends right now. They are all out drinking and having a good time, instead I decided to hide away in my bedroom away from all my friends. I have turned my cell phone off so that no one can get a hold of me and I haven't been on Facebook since I found out I was pregnant.

  Deciding to log on I pull up my facebook and look at it.

I have several comments from all my friends.

Brian Haner Jr: Where are you?

The Knife Master: Whereeeee the helllllllooooooo are you?!!!!

Weds: Where are you at girlie we miss you what did we do wrong?

Max: Jimmy is plotting our deaths! Where are you!

Brian Haner Jr: I miss you...where did you go to?

Brian Haner Jr: Did I do something wrong?

The Knife Master: Sexi Lexi kins!!!!!!!!!!

I laugh at all the comments...I didn't mean to make them upset...


So do you know who the father might be yet???????!

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