Four <3

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||Josette's POV||

It was the following Monday meaning I was at work and I hadn't seen Rudy over the past 3 days. I didn't know how to feel about this because in a way I felt slightly disappointed because I thought on Thursday after our walk and everything that we may have made a connection, however part of me was relieved because I don't need some snobby big shot showing interest in me. I didn't need anyone showing interest in me for that matter. I have a bad history with men and I had sworn to Emma that I would stay clear of them for a long while, so far that long while had only been going on for a year. But there would be no harm in just being friends with Rudy......right?

A customer walking into the store brought me from my thoughts and I looked up smiling at whatever customers just walked in. It was a blonde girl and a guy with brown messy hair, they both looked so familiar yet I just couldn't pin point where they were from. As they stop at the end of the store to look at the dog food section the blonde girl makes her way closer to me and I smile soon recognising her as Madelyn, the girl who had found Dave for me.

"Madelyn! How are you?" I give her a warming smile and she gives me one back.

"Hi Josette, I'm good, how's little Dave going?" At this I frown in confusion. I never told her his name, how did she know? I bend down picking him up from his position by my feet, as soon as I do so Madelyn hangs over the counter giving him a light tap on the head.

"Dave is good however I'm curious to know how you found out his name" her mouth shapes an o and she giggles lightly.

"Oh right umm Rudy told us and we also may have seen your little mishap with him on the beach last week" she says laughing lightly. I face palm myself groaning in embarrassment. It is now more clear to me why Madelyn is much more familiar to me than from our first encounter. She's on that weird show with Rudy. I hope she's not a snobby celebrity.... I actually really liked her.

"Right, of course. Well how can I help you guys?" She looks over her shoulder just as her friend comes towards to join us.

"Hello Josette, just this dog food please" he places a small can of dog food on the counter and I give him a completely confused expression. Only Rudy and Madelyn knew my name so why did this guy know it too? Before I could say anything he speaks again "Sorry, where are my manners, I'm Chase and the reason I know you name is because of Rudy, he doesn't shut up about you" as he says this Madelyn smacks his arm and my cheeks burn red.

"Well Chase, it is nice to meet you. As for Rudy I barely know him so I'd appreciate it if he stopped talking about me" I chuckle and he shakes his head. I scan through their item and they pay straight away. "Well it was nice seeing you Josette, we should hang out sometime" Madelyn smiles up at me, okay so she definitely isn't a snobby celebrity.

"Of course I agree, that would be great" I smile up at her. She nods grabbing her dog food and turns away to the exit of the store just as Chase slides me a piece of paper across the counter.

"Here, this is Rudy's number. Text him" after this he rushes out of the store yelling goodbye before I can say anything else. I pick up the small piece of paper with the numbers scribbles on it playing with it in my hands. I contemplate throwing the paper in the bin but I decide against it and instead shove it in my back pocket for in case.


Thankfully the rest of the day work carries on as usual with just the odd couple of old ladies coming in to get their cat food. Shutting up the shop as normal I head home for a restful night in with little Dave. It already sunset meaning within an hour or so it will be pitch black outside. Just how I like it.

Throwing my bag down on the floor I flop onto the sofa reaching into my pocket to pull out the number that Chase had given to me. One text couldn't hurt right?

New contact saved as : Mr Famous 🤩

Please keep my name out our you mouth Rudy

Mr Famous 🤩
Ummm, who is this?

Dave's mum

Mr Famous 🤩 changed your name to : Dave's mom 🐶

Mr Famous 🤩
Ahhh Josette, hello.
How'd you get my number?

Dave's mom 🐶
Chase gave it to me
He also told me that you talk a lot
Specifically about me
So please stop

Mr Famous 🤩
Now why would I do that miss Josette?
You're my friend, can't I talk about my friend?

Dave's mom 🐶
I barely know you Rudy

Mr famous 🤩
Well would you like to know me?
Are you busy right now?

Dave's mom 🐶
I'm not so sure about that
Why do you want to know ?

Mr Famous 🤩
I'm going to take that as a no.
Meet me outside your building in 30 minutes
I'll pick you up

Dave's mom 🐶
Ummm no thank you

Seen at 8:45pm

I groan getting up from my position on the sofa knowing that Rudy isn't going to be taking no for an answer. I walk over to the bathroom checking myself in the reflection. My leggings and baggy hoodie that I was wearing at work today will have to do regardless of the boiling heat and humidity outside tonight. I pull my hair from its bun and shake it out letting it fall down my back. Why do I even care about trying to look nice for this guy? He doesn't care about me and I am not looking for a relationship. Am I? Even if I was, I was for sure not Rudy's type anyway. He would never go for a girl that looks like me, I would taint his perfect media image.

I finish up in the bathroom grabbing my phone, house key and dog making my way down for he lobby awaiting Rudy's arrival.

Hi my loves,
Another short chapter however I promise you the next one will be longer and it will clear up a lot :)
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- J x

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