Eighteen <3

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||Josette's POV||

It was now the next day and i was sprawled out on the sofa watching tv alone. As it was the last day of Rudy's family being here in LA i told him that he should go and spend the day with them without me to have some quality family time. The only way that i actually had him agree to it was by telling him that i would invite Madelyn over so that i wasn't alone. So that's what i was doing, i was watching tv and awaiting her arrival.

At about 10:30 am there was a nock at the door so i jump up running over and opening it to reveal a smiling Madelyn. She pulls me into a hug immediately.

"I've missed you so much! i feel like i haven't seen you in forever!" i laugh at her and pull her into the apartment so that i can close the door.

"Mads its literally only been like 3 or 4 days, but I've missed you too" we trail through the apartment and flop down onto the couches.

"So what would you like to do today? Where is Rudy anyways?" she sits on the sofa messing with her blonde hair. "Well i thought we could maybe go get something to eat and sit at the beach for a bit? Rudy's family are here and its their last day so i told him to spend the day with them" she nods eagerly and i start getting ready to leave.

The weather today was average so i was waring denim jeans and a hoodie with my hair thrown into a messy bun. We weren't going anywhere special so i didn't particularly care about how i looked. Madelyn was casual as well which made me feel better about my choice of outfit. once we are finished getting ready we head out of the door.

"We might as well just walk to the beach seeming how close we are, there is a really cute cafe that we can stop at on the way too" i smile nodding agreeing with her. The way to the cafe is filled with small talk about life in general and how the past few days had been going. We reach the cafe and i order an Iced Tea and a croissant while Madelyn orders something fancy that is completely beyond me.

We then cross the street over to the beach and sit down on the sand as Madelyn pulls out her phone. "Do you have instagram Josie? I can't believe that we've been friends for months and we don't even have each other on social media" i laugh at her and nod my head. "Yea i have instagram but i don't think I've ever actually posted anything on it" she gasps at my confession.

"Well Josie in that case we are going to take your instagram virginity today" she says this and i burst out laughing at how ridiculous that sounds. "Come on, what's your user?" she asks and i hand her my phone before she hands it back and i get a notification on my screen.

@ madelyncline started following you

"Oh my god Rudy doesn't even follow you! Anyways, now that's done let's take a cute photo of you" she takes my phone from me again holding it up to take a photo of me and i groan hiding my face. "Mads i look fucking shit today" she pulls my arm from my face and tells me to smile, i give her a small smile and once she is satisfied she taps a few times before handing it back to me.

"Now add a caption a press post" i roll my eyes at her but comply with what i'm told.

- Instagram -

Liked by madelyncline and others @ Josie

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Liked by madelyncline and others
@ Josie.Kane -
@ madelyncline forced me to post this :)


@ madelyncline : I can't believe you've never posted on here before smh
*liked by @ Josie.Kane*


@ Lizzy.Kane : You know madelyn cline?

@ Josie.Kane : Yes @ Lizzy.Kane I have friends
*liked by @ madelyncline*

Before my sister can piss me off any further I switch my phone off and turn to Madelyn who is sipping on her drink and tapping on her phone. "I'm going to get a bunch of followers from your fans now aren't I?" I groan at the thought. I hate social media and I hate attention.

"Oh hunny just wait until they all find out that JJ Maybank is taken" she starts snickering and I look at her confused.

"JJ Maybank like the character that your boyfriend plays on Outerbanks..." as she says this my brain clicks. I completely forgot that both my boyfriend and my friends were famous people in a tv show.

"Oh for fuck sake, this is going to be a great time" I complain falling back into the sand.

My phone starts vibrating in the sand next to me indicating that I have a incoming call, I pick it up and press it to my ear without looking at who it is.


Wow miss grumpy, that's no way to greet your boyfriend

Rudy? Sorry babe. What's up?

What's up is that you let Madelyn follow you before me! How rude

Hey I had absolutely no say in the matter it was all her doing

Well you look cute in the photo anyways

Thanks Ru, now get off of your phone and I'll see you later okay?

Bye Josieee

I end the call chuckling at how childish he was being. Social media really wasn't a big deal to me at all and I didn't understand how my friends could cope with so many followers.

"Hey Mads how do you even cope with having so many people following you and stuff? I feel like that's so stressful" we stand up and begin to walk home from our spot at the beach.

"Honestly it drives me insane sometimes to have so many people commenting on me and my relationship but that's where the beauty of the delete and the block button comes in" I lightly laugh agreeing with her.

As we are walking she looks at her phone and her eyes grow wide. "Josie you may want to check your phone" I frown in confusion and quickly look at my phone seeing that I have many notifications.

@ rudeth followed you

@ rudeth commented : wow, you sure are beautiful 😍

You have 2k+ new followers

Fuck fuck fuck this is not what I wanted in any way possible.

"Madelyn what do I do? I don't want all of these people following me! How do I make my account private?!" I throw my phone at her and she quickly taps a bunch of times before letting out a sigh of relief.

"Okay you're on private now but you're going to have to go through your followers and delete a few. I'm sorry Josie I didn't think they'd catch onto it that fast although Rudy really didn't help the situation with that comment" she gives me a sympathetic look and I tell her that it's okay before we reach the apartment and I walk straight in flopping face first onto the couch.

I am a no one, I don't want to be noticed and talked about by thousands of people.

Hey my loves, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I thought I'd try something different by adding in the Instagram post.
Remember to vote, comment and share.

- J x

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