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Befriended of incessant dust crippling the narrow streams of light, Belmere stood in the middle of an earth like shading. His guiless descent brutish darkly upon course armored angelic flesh. His dark hair sinuous against a tattered cape that hung upon vigorous shoulders. He was a professing pageantry of antiquated variables. All transposing the light of Christ by the single glimmer of his massive sword. It's handle, an onyx encrusted blackness interwoven upon the pearl elegance of a metallic proficiency. Its blade declaring the prominent declaration of heaven's ultimate fury. A weapon of pure light designed to strike out all darkness in its path.

His face roughly was chiseled from a benign softness. Now displaying the battle-scarred remnants of the total catastrophe of war. Ribbons of flesh fell in shards, denying the bluish blood that danced meagerly towards them. Battle wounds professed their uprising mystique within the pierced succession of armored callous. His stance was weakened upon the enormous weight of sorrow. He had just fought a legion of demons. Their likeness the predecessor of pure evil deriving from the fountains of a violent hell.

His attack was laced of a barbarous savagery.

Unleashing a holy infinity within all the powers of the cross of Christ. Defusing the contemptuous streams of hells contemptible prowess.
Binding the wicked fury of their intentions against humanity. He stood upright within a prideful submission. The light of Christ, crippling the condition of weakness to a newborn integrity. He was now whole within the sheathed admission of perfect health. His body a lustrous sheen propagating the energy infused dampening of any residual evil that dwelled amidst him.

He was victorious in his assimilation of light into his chest. Rippling amidst the landscape of flexed tendons and flesh. His hands, two jewel like stones glazing with fire. A subtle mystery sunken deeply into the chambers of their brilliant colors. Gathering upwards the grandulous complication of their making.

High cheek bones encompassed the rich sharpness of his handsome exterior. Muscular and powerfully agile, his dark skin fashioning the heavy glint of shine from two violet eyes.

He was assigned to the scandalous incurring of Las Vegas, Nevada. It is the 26th-most populous city in the United States, the most populous city in the state of Nevada. It's deceitful churning prancing about within a demonic horde of activity. The lustful trim of locked lips and bodies gyrating to the obedience of human desires. Brimmed of an accompanying wickedness that Belmere was tasked to battle. His will was compliant. His strength unequaled. His loyalty to the throne of Christ. An angel of the highest order.

Defending the truth of the cross.

Trezadon walked silently into Belmere's eyesight. His cape flailing rapidly in a quiet breeze.

"My friend. We have a mission of the highest priority. Armor up completely. What we are battling is truly evil. A grotesque darkness that can devour the human soul. An abomination from a demonic realm posing as the flesh of a humans form. But we know the truth of what they are."

"We know the truth..."

"And we will dispose of it ruthlessly without hesitation. We will find the queen and with her all the powers of hell and darkness will be against our declaration of light and eternal truth.
I send you now, old friend up ahead. Shielded by a holy fire to assume the form of man. Observe and protect. Scout and prepare the way."

"Lord God in your infinite mercy, we call out to you!"

"Heaven help us!........"

Queen Of The Dark (Dark Origins Series: Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now