Chapter 6

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Aether's pov:

After Xiao's mom Ningguang gave me the option to stay at her house for the night to support Xiao, how could i say no? In the relatively short amount of time i had known Xiao, i have felt very close to him and he already means so much to me. Just being close to him makes my stomach feel all weird, like im sick or something, but in a good way.

If that even makes any sense.

We have probably known each other for less than a week, yet every moment spent together stretches, making it feel like we have been friends for so much longer.
I wouldnt pass up the opportunity to support my dear friend at a time where he may need it the most,

I will always be here for you Xiao.
Upon hearing me agree to stay the night, Ningguang's smile immediately brightens from a neutral one, to a joyful and happy one.

"Thats great to hear, im sure that Xiao will be pleased to know his best friend is with him when he awakens".

My heart flutters at the words 'best friend', is that really what we are?

Ningguang comes to a sudden realisation, worry evident in her voice.

"However, it is too late to be setting up a mattress for you to sleep on, after all you have a big day tomorrow, you will need to sort everything out and make arrangements for the school trip to the beach house. I hope you do not mind but would it be okay if you slept in Xiao's bed tonight? With him, i mean".

I dont know how i feel about that, of course i am okay with it but i have some bad sleep habits, here is a list of cons that my brain has concocted.

1. Might accidentally cuddle Xiao
2. Hair looks ugly when out of braid
3. Moves to much in sleep, may accidentally hurt Xiao
4. Moves too much in sleep, may accidentally wind up in a weird position with Xiao
5. Could be very akward
6. Could make Xiao uncomfortable when he wakes up
7. Could accidentally push Xiao off the bed
8. Might wake Xiao up
9. A meteor could fall from the sky
10. Wait, 9 is on the wrong list

"Uh..." I sigh, pushing the list to the back of my brain.

"Yeah im fine with it"

Ningguang leaps in joy

"Okay then! You boys have a good sleep!"

I nod to her as she walks into another room with a pile of folded clothes in her arms. I need to get to sleep, im so tired. I walk over to Xiao's bed where he is peacefully resting, and climb into it, settling under the warm sheets and snuggling up close towards his body, both taking and giving body heat.

His bed is very comfy, like last time i slept in it, except this time, it feels even better. Probably because Xiao is next to me, but my question is... why do i always feel better, like everything will be okay if Xiao is here?

I turn over onto my side, staring at the side of his face as he lays on his back.

Who would do this, and why, why to someone so kind and caring like Xiao? The attack looks personal, as if someone was holding a grudge against Xiao, but i cant think of anyone that doesn't like him.




No but he cant be the one to do this, he knows how much i love hanging out with Xiao, so why would he stoop so low.

I refuse to believe my childhood best friend would do something so horrible.

I walk into Xiao's bathroom, (like the last time i went to take a call), closing the door as my back slides down it, sitting on the cold tiles. I click the green phone on Adam's contact, dialling him.

Ring, ring, ring, ring

"Oh hey Aether, whats up man?"

"Hey Adam, so um, something bad happened".

"Oh no, whats up? You know you can always talk to me bro, im here for you"

I sigh and continue, hes so sweet, how could he be the culprit?

"Well, someone beat up Xiao and left him in the rain, his injuries were pretty minor but he was still knocked unconcious and left in the rain in the middle of the night. He could have died if i didnt find him".

Adam goes silent before speaking again,
"Thats horrible, is he okay?"

What? I thought Adam hated Xiao, why is he being especially kind now?

"Yeah, hes still unconcious right now but he should be waking up in a bit".

"Aw man, im sorry that happened, i cant believe someone would do something so terrible. I hope you're doing okay."

"Yeah im okay, thanks Adam, for making me feel better."

He chuckles
"Oh please, dont mention it."


Im so lucky to have Adam as a friend, he has always been there for me in the toughest times.

"Oh and by the way, who were you with tonight?"

"Umm, i-i was with Thoma"

"Uhh okay, anways i gotta go, see ya Adam".

As i hang up the call, my mind races with thoughts and questions. I thought Thoma said he was going to hang out with his gf Ayaka today.

I better call him just to make sure.

I dial Thoma and he picks up almost immediately. Tch, phone addict.


"Hi Thoma, i just wanted to know if you were with Adam today"

"...Adam? No- i mean yeah, we went to Chip pole"


"I mean uh- i mean- i- i um Chipotle".


"Hehe, yeah... so um why did you call me?"

"Oh um, no reason. Have a good night i guess"


I hang up the call yet again.

How suspicious, Adam hates Chipotle. Anyways, Adam is off the suspect list. Now i better get to sleep. I walk back into Xiao's bedroom and slip in next to him, the familiar smell of Lavendar quickly comforting me yet again.

I fall asleep rather quickly as my eyelids were already heavy and i was struggling to find the energy to open my eyes, let alone get up.
My sleep was filled with many dreams, neither good nor bad, that were quickly forgotten as morning arose.

Only one thing is on my mind.

I will find who did this to Xiao and make them pay.

Filler chapter, more exciting ones coming soon, i promise. Apologies for the short chapter and for not uploading yesterday, I got my first Covid Vaccine and was being a big baby bc my arm hurt. Anyways, im back.
I am so tempted to delete this book bc the idea i had for it in my head was a lot better than how it is turning out. I attempted to write this chapter a bit better and a lil more detailed but i apologise bc it is still shit.
BUUUTTTTT, Adam is in for a verbal and/or physical ass whooping, (maybe 👀), so stay tuned yall.
Also thx for all the views and have an amazing day/night

Do i look straight to you? (Xiao x Aether Modern AU)Where stories live. Discover now