*Kiyoshi x Hyuga

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Requested by: BelladonnaVonChrist
Enjoy :)

Kiyoshi was pretty sure that nothing could surprise him anymore. After all, seeing Kagami with Kuroko, as in with Kuroko, was the ultimate blow. No one was expecting that. I mean sure, every single Seirin member was betting for KagaKuro but seeing it with their own eyes...

Shudder. TMI!

Kiyoshi was also pretty sure that he won't be able to hear anything anymore in his whole life. His eardrums had been shattered once Kagami started yelling at Kuroko for minutes. Minutes!

Kuroko just stayed there on a bed as Kagami stood in front of him, shouting about who-knows-what while the rest of the team either plugged their ears and burrowed their head under a pillow or left for sweet, sweet serenity.

Kiyoshi took a gander at Hyuga, who was gritting his teeth in irritation with his fingers plugged in his ears. Any second now...


Kagami stopped yelling mid-word and turned around to face Hyuga. The latter was literally smoking from his ears. "Shut the hell up. Honestly, we don't even care if you and Kuroko were getting it on! We just want peace and quiet and to rest! We have had a tiring day full of practice and running and dehydration and, you guessed it, practice! I am speaking on behalf of the six teams who most likely heard your ear-shattering, nonsensical rant to poor Kuroko when I say shut. The F. Up!"

Kiyoshi wanted to clap and yell, "Amen!" but, as Hyuga made clear, he wanted peace. So he gave him peace. He heard Hyuga click his tongue and saw him go outside to fume.

Just because he was bored, Kiyoshi followed his team member and friend outside.

Surprisingly, it took Kiyoshi a long time to find Hyuga. Mostly because he wasn't familiar with the place. But then, hallelujah! He found him. Outside. Under a mango tree.

Kiyoshi made his presence known by clapping slowly, just as he wanted to do a while back. Hyuga jumped. "Well, well, well. If it isn't my knight in shining armor. My savior!"

Hyuga rolled his eyes. "What are you talking about, idiot?" he deadpanned. Kiyoshi walked forward until they were relatively closer. "You made Kagami stop shouting. What courage!"

"Go away. I want peace," Hyuga pointed to whence Kiyoshi had come from. But Kiyoshi just pouted. "But Junpei will be lonely."

"Just because I'm alone, doesn't mean I'm lonely."

"Why do you like peace so much?"

Hyuga looked taken aback by the question that came out of the blue. He sighed, "It helps me think."

"Of what?"

"None of your business."

"Riko?" Just by mentioning her name, Kiyoshi felt a pang of sadness. Hyuga loves Riko, Riko loves Hyuga. Boy loves girl, girl loves boy. That's what happens usually. Don't be so pathetic, Kiyoshi.

He doesn't love you.

"Kiyoshi?" Kiyoshi must have been showing the said emotion enough for Hyuga to notice. But he just smiled, like he usually does. "What?" he asked innocently.


"If it makes you feel better, I wasn't thinking about her."

"Why would that make me feel better? You two are so cute!" Kiyoshi faked adoration.

Hyuga sighed. A sigh that sounded exasperated, "You told me before that I should express more and not supress, probably about my 'feelings' for Aida. Maybe, just maybe, I should. But maybe, just maybe, you should stop babbling about and start acting what you advise people to do, you hypocrite."

It was Kiyoshi's turn to look surprised, "What?"

Hyuga rolled his eyes and muttered, "Honestly," and moved towards Kiyoshi. He pulled his shoulders down and kissed him.

Yes, Hyuga kissed Kiyoshi.

Kiyoshi's mind was a blur. His eyes widened and he let the gears in his head whirl around frantically to process what was happening.

What was happening?

Hyuga was close, extremely close, to Kiyoshi and he felt warmth on his lips, then the warmth spread to his face.

But the warmth on his lips left all too quickly, leaving him displeasured, and Hyuga also moved away from him.

Then a lightbulb appeared above his head.

Hyuga... kissed him.

"Finally caught on?" Hyuga inquired at Kiyoshi's face that was washed with realization. The latter nodded dumbly.

"That wasn't supposed to happen."

Hyuga paused mid-glasses-fixing and looked at Kiyoshi, confused. "Huh?" Kiyoshi smiled, "I am the seme, therefore the one to initiate the first kiss."

"Oi! Who said that you are the seme?"

"I did. Just now," Kiyoshi stated, "but in order to have a 'seme' and an 'uke', there needs to be a couple. And you acknowledged that there is a seme between us. Are you somehow saying that we are a co--"

"Don't say it!" Hyuga held up a palm in front of Kiyoshi's face. Kiyoshi grinned, that's more like it.

"Why? But we kis--"

"Shhh!" Hyuga then clamped a hand over Kiyoshi's mouth. Kiyoshi pried it off easily with both hands.

"When two people kiss, aren't they a couple?"

"Not necessarily!"

"Oh? It seemed as though you were proving something when you kissed me. What was it?"

"Nothing, you jerk. It was just a kiss."

Kiyoshi thought Hyuga's denial phase was cute yet a bit annoying. So, he kissed him.

Their second kiss.

Once Kiyoshi pulled away, he smirked, "Surely, it isn't 'a kiss' anymore. Now we have two kisses!" Kiyoshi held up two fingers proudly.

"You really are an idiot," Hyuga's face resembled what Kiyoshi's was on their first kiss: red. Except Hyuga doesn't get over embarrassment as easily as Kiyoshi.

"I am merely an idiot that is in love with his captain."

[A/N: I ship these two so, so, so, so much! I hope you all like it, even though it is more of a fluff fic than an implied smut (just like how the MuraHimu was more of hurt/comfort)! I am currently writing a different pairing, though I don't ship it so please wait for that cuz I am working my butt off to make it at least satisfactory to the shippers. Again, please do request pairings that you want me to write if you like! Constructive critisisms are appreciated and taken note of!

Peace! o(^^)o]

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