Kagami x Kuroko

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"Kurochin?" Murasakibara stopped and turned around. "Ah! Sorry," Kuroko jogged to keep up with the two.

"Hmm...where're Kisechin and Aominechin?"

Midorima shrugged, "Probably away fighting or playing one-on-one. Who cares, anyway? They're always away together despite what Aomine says about him being annoying."

They walked in silence for a while, Kuroko a bit perplexed at what he had witnessed. 'Was that what they were doing back in Middle School? Come to think of it, 2 out of 3 times Aomine skipped practice, Kise was out too. Were they really...fuck buddies? Are they still now?'


"Hm?" Kuroko looked at the two in front of him. He apparently was lost in his thoughts for a bit. Midorima fixed his glasses once more, "Isn't this the Seirin room?"

Kuroko looked at the wooden door and familiar surroundings, "Yes. Sorry for all the trouble, goodnight."

"'Night, Kurochin."

He then entered the air conditioned room. He expected it to be barren of players for they were still probably running that ten kilometers. But there was someone there. Kagami.

Kuroko found himself smirking and locked the door, "Kagami-kun."

Kagami was sitting on one of the beds for there were rows upon rows of them, not that their team needed that many. The red-haired ace turned around and frantically pocketed something, "Ku-Kuroko!"

Kuroko walked towards him and sat on the bed in front of his friend, "What are you hiding, Kagami-kun?"

Kagami lowered his head and took out the necklace. It was the one Tatsuya gave him. Kuroko gritted his teeth and clenched his hands.

"Ku-" before the Seirin ace could continue, Kuroko slapped his hand, sending the ring flying across the room. "Kuroko!" Kagami shouted.

Kuroko stood in front of Kagami and gripped his shoulders and moved down so that the man met his lips. After they pulled apart, both panting, Kuroko said something in a dominant voice, "I don't want you talking to him, looking at him, or anything that has to do with that Himuro. Including the damn ring."

Kagami was taken aback, but then smiled and sat Kuroko on his lap, "Don't worry too much about a man that belongs in my past."

They kissed as Kagami took Kuroko's shirt off. He sucked on Kuroko's neck, leaving marks that proved that Kuroko's his. Only his.

They heard footsteps and Kagami stopped, "They're here!"

Kuroko, flushed, just smirked, "It's OK, I locked the door."

Kagami proceeded to kiss Kuroko as someone tried to turn the doorknob.

"It's locked," they heard Koganei say.

"What? Let me," Kiyoshi said. Then, to the Kagami's and Kuroko's surprise, the door opened.





Kagami started spewing out nonesense and tried to think of a possible reasonable response as to why Kuroko was on his lap, shirtless and blushing furiously.

"Oops, I guess I didn't push the door and only locked the knob."

Kagami turned to the light blue-haired player with a deadly glare, "Kurokooooo......"

"Sorry, Kagami."

Kagami then started to yell at Kuroko for a good twenty minutes.

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