Murasakibara x Himuro

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Murasakibara entered the hot baths later than everyone else. He always hated it when it's packed. Now, he's all alone.

He sighed at the warm water. It was so relaxing. Just then, he realized that he wasn't alone. He looked over at the almost invisible figure at the other side of the hot baths.

"Hi, Murochin."

Said man jumped and gasped, "A-Atsushi! When did you get here?!"

"Just now. I was surprised you didn't notice me enter. Well, your eyes were closed. Were you asleep?"

Himuro looked away, hoping his eyes weren't as red. He had a talk with Kagami just before he entered the baths, hoping that the warmth would clear his mind. But it did absolutely the opposite.

His mind filled with memories of him and Taiga. In America, in Japan, all of them.

The way Kagami looked at Kuroko...was the way Himuro looked at Kagami. The only difference was...was that Kuroko looked at Kagami the same way. It broke his heart.

"...They broke my heart..." he said before he realized that he had spoken.

Murasakibara didn't smile nor empathized with him. He didn't look at him lazily like he always did either. He frowned, "Murochin...please don't cry. I hate it...when my comrades cry."

Himuro closed his eyes and relaxed. He heard Murasakibara move and he suddenly felt skin come in contact with his shoulder and he looked up to see Murasakibara beside him.

Was this his way of showing comfort?

Murasakibara loved his sweets. He hated basketball. His feelings were always so solid. But when it came to Himuro...he wasn't so sure.

But now, as Himuro rested his head on Murasakibara's side and his tears rolled down his arm, the purple-haired player was sure.

He never wanted to see him cry again.

Murasakibara would wait for Himuro to stop crying for him to understand what his feelings were for him really. But for now, he would comfort him.

Murasakibara hesitantly placed an arm around Himuro's body and held him close.



"Why are you crying?"

Murasakibara's eyes widened as he noticed the tears flowing from them. He quickly wiped them away, "I-I don't know."


[A/N: I honestly don't know how to write Himuro and Kagami's relationship, but there it is! I hope it's all right ><

Constructive critisism is always appreciated and taken note of! This is the end of 'Love Me' (unless, of course, you guys will give me a pairing to write about hehe) and I thank you for reading!

Peace out!]

Love Me: A Kuroko No Basuke Fanfiction (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now