5.9K 86 3


Um wow this is awkward

So a lot of you have been asking for a new chapter and such, and I really want to address every one of those comments. Seriously i feel happy that people actually want to read a new chapter about their otp that was written by me, in my writing style. This story is a huge success for someone who wrote it when they were fourteen lmao. So the first thing i want to say is: thanks so much!

Second, a lot of you have been requesting a new pairing which i am very grateful for, as i have already said (sorry for repeating myself *sighs* im so awkward). I'm so sorry to all of those wonderful readers, but i dont think i can update this story anymore with a new chapter for your yaoi needs. As a fujoshi myself, i understand your disappointment. Im so sorry my bros. I left the knb fandom, and so i am not inspired to write with these characters. I honestly will if i could, but anything that comes out of it would be shit. And i dont want to present my readers with intentionally half-assed works (*hairflip*)

Your support is incredible, honestly. I still gasp, overwhelmed, everytime i see the number of reads and votes. 10K READS?? Holy jalapeños where did you all come from?

Anyways, i've said my thanks and my apologies. I should probably stop rambling now as yall have things to do and books to read and shows to watch.

See you next time, hopefully in one of my other fics *ahem*

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