Akashi x Furihata (Part Dos)

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Requested by: @ciello_27

"Such a liar."

Akashi leaned in for a kiss. Truth be told, Akashi did not want to frighten the brunet any more that he had. He loved Furihata more than anything. But he knew merely watching him from afar would do nothing productive, so he took it upon himself to do something. He knew if he didn't, he and Furihata would go on their first date by the time they were ninety.

At first, Furihata digged both of his palms to Akashi's chest, attempting to keep him away. It took all of the red-haired teen's strength to stay where he was because damn that boy had some strength! It actually made Akashi wonder if Kuroko had been sharing his Ignite Pass Kai moves to his teammates. But, moving on...

Akashi graced his tongue along Furihata's bottom lip, which elicited a subconscious moan from the latter. The response took Furihata by surprise and he pulled abruptly away.

"D-did I just--" The statement was left unfinished by the flushed Seirin member. An amused Akashi smiled genuinely as Furihata covered his mouth.

"Yes, Kōki. I believed you just m--"

"Don't!" Furihata's hands pressed against Akashi's chest again, but it did not mean to push away unlike before. It just stayed there and Furihata bowed his head, the curtain of bangs shielding his red face.

Akashi used his right hand to lift Furihata's chin so their eyes could meet. "I love you, Kōki."

The brunet immediately became a tomato with limbs. "What?!"

"I am terribly in love with you," Akashi repeated shamelessly. Furihata moved his head from Akashi's soft hold and shook his head. "What in the world could I have done to make you l-love me? I am nobody!"

"That is not true. You are my love, therefore you are not nothing. You are an exquisite point guard, a great supporter of the Seirin team and the cutest person I have ever met."

Furihata was flattered but also scared. What was Akashi saying? Was this a prank? Was this a tradition the Rakuzan team does to their competition?

"This isn't funny," Furihata lowered his head once more. Akashi frowned and lifted his love's head again. "It is not supposed to be. Do you think my feelings are some sort of joke, Kōki, just because I look incapable of such emotions?"

Furihata did not move anymore for the words stung him. "No, Akashi. I am just... unsure."

"Don't be. I love you."

"Stop saying that!"

"I will not. I, Akashi Seijuro, love you, Furihata Kōki."

Furihata stared at the different-colored eyes, unable to register the words as quickly as usual.

"I guess... you're telling the truth..."

"I am."

A silence grew between them, Furihata not knowing what to make of this.

"You don't need to say anything. I'm sure you will grow to feel comfortable with me in due time. In fact, I am alright with staying just friends," Akashi said, moving away from Furihata. "I just had to let you know that my feelings for you are above those of a competition. Sorry for calling you a liar and for kissing you, I guess I got carried away."

Furihata watched Akashi stand to leave.

No. This is wrong. He can't leave.

As if his arms moved at their own accord, Furihata snatched Akashi's wrist frantically.

I won't let him.

"I don't need more time," Furihata threw back at him, eyes suddenly filled with determination. He stood up, facing Akashi.

"I found myself... loving you too. I don't know when or how... I just-- love doesn't need a reason or schedule, does it? I may not have been aware of it before but seeing you making your move... it's as if I've been denying it all this time."

Akashi was at a loss for words, maybe this kid has a lot of strength both physically and mentally after all. He just needs a little push.

But the Rakuzan player smiled, sweetly and genuinely. "I'm glad that you realized it sooner. I'd hate to think of the days wasted if you denied it longer. The days that I could've spent with you."

Furihata laughed stiffly, not used to the attention and him speaking his mind out loud. "That was so cliché, Akashi--"

What should I call Akashi? Are we more than friends? Would 'Akashi-kun' suffice? But Seijuro is just plain weird! Uh...

Saving him from an internal battle, Akashi said with a friendly smile, "Call me Sei."

"Oh, okay, Sei-kun..." This is so weird! Not even the Generation of Miracles call him by his first name!

"You are wondering why my past Teiko team members don't even call me 'Sei' but you do. I suppose you could call us 'boyfriends' now, Kōki. This is my way of opening up to you."

Furihata's face became red again at the word 'boyfriends'. So weird...

Akashi found his boyfriend adorable like that. "Well then, it's getting late. You need to go back to your room now and get some sleep." Akashi's wrist was released from Furihata's hand and the former went to open the door.

Furihata smiled slightly at the thought of Akashi being more of a mother than a boyfriend. But his smile was erased by a small pang in his heart. He began to frown and was nailed on the spot.

He can't move. Or rather, he didn't want to.

When Akashi realized that Furihata wasn't following him, he turned around. "Kōki?"

Furihata clutched his chest and his brows furrowed, confused and hurt. "My heart is... hurting. I don't want to move. I want-- I need to stay here. With you. It feels as if my heart will explode if I go away."

Akashi was dumbfounded by Furihata's way of saying "the mere thought of leaving you is making me miss you already."

"Is this a heart attack? Because I don't like it," Furihata questioned innocently.

Akashi laughed, shocked yet amused. "Kōki! That means you miss me!"

Furihata blushed at what he just admitted to the boy in front of him.


Akashi walked forward and hugged Furihata. He placed his hand at the back of Furihata's head and whispered in his ear, "I'll see you tomorrow. And don't worry, I feel the same. It hurts so much."

Furihata nodded and they made their way to their respective rooms, hands entwined until the very last second.

[A/N: Man, I hope Akashi and Furihata weren't OOC! I hate it when stories don't have continuity. My view on their personalities kinda changed a bit since when I wrote the first five chapters and I wrote the first chapter a looong time ago. As in around the time Furihata first met Akashi. (OTP at first sight, yes!!) And I'm still not sure on what Furihata's personality is since he doesn't get much screentime until the Rakuzan vs. Seirin part.

I also hope that this wasn't too cheesy cuz that would just be messy and a pain to clean up. Urgh, and I personally dislike cheese.

Next up is KagaKuro: The Aftermath (dun dun dun duuun)!

Also, for those who like Kuroshitsuji, I'm thinking of posting a legit Sebastian x Ciel smut fic but since it's my first actual smut fic (and I'm new to the fandom, so first Black Butler fic in general) I'm quite hesitant. I don't even know what I'm asking for (words of encouragement, maybe? X) ) but please tell me your thoughts on this. Thank you, dears!]

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