Kagami x Kuroko (Part Two)

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KagaKuro and a bit of Kuroko x Nigou (as requested by BelladonnaVonChrist )
Requested by: @ciello_27 and @iloveGOM123

Kagami was angry. No, more like furious. Seething with rage! Why? Because Kuroko can't lock a goddamn door.

He had been venting his rage rather carelessly (and very loudly) through shouting. Kuroko was sitting on his bed, blinking at him as if the words weren't directed to him. Calm and collected. The exact opposite of Kagami, who needed a miracle to be able to speak in the morning.

Every single person in the Seirin room (and probably in the near vicinity) plugged their ears.

I may or may not be exaggerating.


Uh-oh. Kagami has angered Hyuga.


"Shut the hell up. Honestly, we don't even care if you and Kuroko were getting it on! We just want peace and quiet and to rest! We have had a tiring day full of practice and running and dehydration and, you guessed it, practice! I am speaking on behalf of the six teams who most likely heard your ear-shattering, nonsensical rant to poor Kuroko when I say shut. The F. Up!"

Everyone (excluding Kagami obviously) was holding back chuckles and "ohhhh! Dayum, son!" because, let's face it, that was awesome. Hyuga left the scene with a "tch" and was soon followed by Kiyoshi.

Overwhelming silence consumed the room, which was a welcomed change. Mitobe tapped Koganei's shoulder and began doing some weird gestures. The latter nodded and cleared his throat awkwardly. "Uhm-- M-Mitobe and I will look for Furihata now. Excuse us."

With that, Koganei followed closely by Mitobe left the room. This opened the door to the rest of the members leaving with varying excuses, thinking that Kuroko and Kagami needed to be left alone. They have a lot of shit to talk about.

Kagami refused to look at Kuroko, remembering what he almost did which made his face red. After a few moments of silence, Kuroko decided to speak up. "I'm sorry for leaving the door open."

"It happens. It's okay."



"I accept your apology, Kagami-kun."

"Ehh?! I didn't even apologize," Kagami said as he turned to Kuroko, not believing the ego of his teammate. Kuroko stared at him back. "You're welcome, then."

"I didn't even-- nevermind. I give up."

Another moment of silence.

"Why did you... attack me?" Kagami asked, referring to the happenings earlier. Kuroko internally rolled his eyes. "I did not attack you, Kagami-kun. I merely kissed you."

"Without my permission! Attacking," Kagami said as if he found the solution to a mystery. After a while of thinking, Kagami smiled at Kuroko.



"Are you jealous?" Kagami questioned. Kuroko quirked an eyebrow. "I think we've talked about this before, Kagami-kun. I believe that we all have different talents and I don't mind being a shadow. I feel that I, too, am a very significant--"

"No! I mean, yeah, you're right but, Kuroko, that's not what I meant."

"Then what did you mean, Kagami-kun."

"You're jealous of me and Tatsuya."


"Well? Am I wrong?"

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