*Human!Nigou x Kuroko

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Requested by: BelladonnaVonChrist
I don't even know anymore LMAO XD
I am just here to satisfy your needs, peculiar as they may be.

This is set a day before all of the chapters take place.

Kuroko stepped out of the bus that drove them the four-hour long journey to this training camp on a mountain. The Rakuzan, Tōō and Kaijō buses were already there but the players were nowhere to be seen. It was only a matter of time before Shūtoku and Yōsen arrive.

Furihata made a dash for the nearest bathroom, apparently the drive made him sick. A man that looked like the owner of the establishment led the Seirin team to their own room. They didn't have practices until tomorrow and it was already past lunch so most of the members passed out upon contact with the soft mattress. But Kuroko stayed awake, flipping through the pages of a magazine that he had already read hundreds of times.

Bored, he unzipped one of his two bags and out jumped Nigou. Although pets weren't allowed, Kuroko smuggled him after promising that the dog won't go outside of the room. Nigou roamed around the room and ventured into every tiny corner before walking back to his owner's bed and crawled under it.

Kuroko smiled at his curious dog and decided to take a short trip out in the gardens.

The outside was warm compared to the air conditioned room. Kuroko followed the signs that dangled from the high ceilings to the colorful garden.

The garden was an open place at the back of the buildings that made up the camp. It was next to the basketball court which Kuroko predicted they would use tomorrow. There were trees of different kinds and flowers of varying colors. Butterfiles kept the garden young and fresh, and a small, sparkling pond sat near the center.

It was a magnificent sight and Kuroko thought the same. He sighed with content and laid down on the soft grass under a tree, fingers knotted together behind his head and eyes closed.

Then the grass turned too soft. Much too soft. The blades stopped tickling his ears and the back of his hands did not feel the warm earth. Instead, cloth resembling that of jeans morphed beneath him.

What? I do not understand...

Kuroko's eyebrows met in confused frustration. His head was propped up as if someone brought it up to their lap, as his lower body stayed where it was.

Just when Kuroko thought it couldn't possibly get any weirder, a hand combed through his light blue hair. Fearing for the worst, Kuroko jolted upwards and glared at the creepy stranger that appeared out of nowhere. But the teen faced someone that was more of a Kuroko 2.0 than a freaky pedophile.

He had short, raven hair that was just like Kuroko's in terms of cut and the same shape of eyes but a lapis lazuli color. He was wearing a white T-shirt underneath a gray, unzipped jacket and faded jeans.

Kuroko stuttered, "Who are you? Or, are you a new member from the other teams?" The other boy smiled warmly and wrapped his arms around one of Kuroko's and his cheek rubbed up and down his arm. The latter flinched but did not reject nor show any emotion regarding the affection any other way.

After an awkward moment of one-sided cuddling, Kuroko decided to raise the unanswered question again. "Who are you?"

No answer.

"What team are you from?"

The teen looked up to meet Kuroko's eyes. "With you," he said cryptically.

"I have no patience with silly games, right now. Please, let go of my arm."



"Kuroko talks too much."

In a second, the teen untangled his arms from Kuroko's, the sudden action causing the Seirin player to lose his balance and fall on his back. The other boy laughed momentarily and flopped on top of Kuroko. The blue-haired teen 'oof'ed and closed his eyes.

What is going on?

Kuroko expected him to shade the light from the sun with his face because after all, he was on top of Kuroko. Who wouldn't take advantage of a boy with a lithe body and a cute face?

But it never came.

After a while of nothing, Kuroko opened his eyes to see the tree they were under. The weight was still on top of his stomach. He looked down to see a body clumsily sprawled horizontally over his midsection, limbs askew.


"What in the world are you doing?" Kuroko raised an eyebrow. The body shook as a chuckle was heard. "Kuroko is warm."

"How do you know my name?"

"I am Kuroko's."

"I have never owned a person in my entire life."

"I am not a person."

"I figured that much."

"What does Kuroko mean?"

"Nothing. I honestly just want you to leave," Kuroko said. The boy raised his head to look directly at Kuroko. "I cannot do that, I apologize."

Kuroko groaned. "Why?" The boy smiled. "I have learned to love Kuroko and now I can't leave him."

"At least leave me physically," Kuroko provided. "Then that would cause me emotional pain." He pouted.

Do I look like I give a fuck about your teenage girl love problems?

Kuroko decided to rest his head and stop looking at the most-probably-a-hallucination, instead focus on the pretty, relaxing clouds. Maybe if he looked away long enough, he would go away.

The body shifted a bit but still stayed hovering above him.

Pretty clouds.

Then the white clouds and blue sky was replaced by black strands, pale skin, blue eyes and thin lips stretched into a childish grin.

Oh, hell no.

"What, now?!" Kuroko exclaimed. The grin spread wider than humanly possible. "I love Kuroko."

"You don't." The boy dropped his grin. "Why not?"

"Because I haven't seen you before."

"Yes, you have. In my other form. In fact, I'm pretty sure you love me too." The boy smiled brightly. "Other form? You mean like a disguise?"

"Sure?" The boy laughed.

"You're too happy."

"Sorry, it's in my nature."

"Please go away."



The boy pressed his index finger to Kuroko's lips, to which Kuroko glared at him as a reply. "But you have do something. If you can't do it, I'm afraid I have to stay like this."

Kuroko had a good idea of what that 'something' was, but asked nonetheless. "What do you need to do?"

"You have to kiss me."

"I have to do that?"

The boy nodded excitedly. "If I do it, it won't work."

What kind of sick game is this?

Kuroko sighed. "Fine. Sit up."

They both sat under the shade of the tree, facing the entrance of the garden, not each other for that would be awkward.

"Ready?" Kuroko asked. The other boy flushed a bright red. "O-okay."

Kuroko turned his head to the boy and kissed his cheek.

Then, Kuroko woke up.

[A/N: I added a human!Nigou fanart just in case my description was hard to picture, but he wasn't wearing a Seirin uniform (*^u^*)]

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